Agenda & Workshops

Link pdf file

  9:00-  9:30   Coffee, Registration

  9:30-  9:45   Welcome: Karen

  9:45-10:30   Warm-up: Fran Meissner and Eloisa Harris  

10:30-11:00   Interdisciplinarity collaborative visualization: Steve

11:00-12:30   Break-outs I: Interdisciplinarity

12:30-13:30   Lunch  

13:30-14:15   Plenary I

14:15-15:30   Break-outs II

  • Urban Diversity
  • Difference & Categories
  • Social Life & Social Heterogeneity
  • The Politics of Diversity & the Diversity of Politics
  • Global South & North Diversities
  • Migration Studies: New Directions?

15:30-16:00   Coffee break

16:00-16:45   Plenary II

16:45-17:00   Final Show-down: Karen & Steve

17:00-18:30   Networking

18:30-19:30   Dinner

19:30-20:15   Zeitreise Speeches (6 Alumni + Norbert)

20:15-20:30   Final Speech: Steve 

Our final SCD Symposium will take place at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in the Hermann-Föge-Weg 11-12.
Travel & Accommodation

Information on Travel Reimbursement

  • Travel costs will be reimbursed for second-class train tickets and economy-class airfare only. We encourage you to travel by train whenever possible in order to minimize the carbon footprint of this event.
  • You can inform yourself and book your train here: Deutsche Bahn.
  • Taxi travel is not covered by the MPI unless you are travelling to or departing from Göttingen between 10 pm and 6 am and public transportation is not available. In cases of required travel due to health-related issues, we can also make exceptions. You will have to provide proof of such special circumstances when you submit your travel expense report.
  • Please retain your original train and/or flight tickets, boarding passes, and receipts for public transportation for reimbursement purposes. Screen shots of digital tickets and boarding passes will suffice.
  • If your departure and destination places are not the same, please get in touch with so that we can make sure that your travel costs can still be reimbursed. 
  • Lastly, please be aware that we will only reimburse travel costs within Europe to minimize our carbon footprint. If you are coming from oversees and happen to be in Europe in June 2025, we can cover your inner-European travel costs to/from the Institute.
  • The reimbursement form is to be found here: Reimbursement Form
  • Please don’t hesitate to contact if you require any further information or support.

Information on Hotel booking

  • The Institute will reimburse the accommodation expenses for, at most, three nights in the hotels listed below. Needless to say, the number of nights depends on how many days of the event you will attend.
  • You are responsible for booking your own room; we have pre-booked contingents of rooms in the hotels listed below
  • The Hotel rooms are reserved until the respective deadlines, also indicated below.
  • Please e-mail your preferred hotel indicating the keyword „SCD 2025“ and including the check-in and check-out date.
  • After the deadlines, you will have to book a room in one of the other hotels in Göttingen (info is in German) with a price ceiling of up to 95,00 €/night. Please note that only this amount will be reimbursed.

Hotel Stadt Hannover
Goethe-Allee 21
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 54 79 60

Deadline May 18, 2025

Hotel Central
Jüdenstraße 12
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 57 157

Deadline April 14, 2025

Hotel Eden
Reinhäuser Landstraße 22a
D-37083 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 50 72 00

Deadline May 7, 2025 

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    Social Media


    By entering the Max Planck Institute on June 20, 2025, you acknowledge that photography, and video recording will occur. Your entry and presence on the event premises constitutes your consent to be photographed and filmed, and to the release and publication of the recorded media of your appearance, voice, and possibly name for our outreach purposes at the MPI MMG, including use on our website and social media sites (BlueSky, LinkedIn & Facebook).

    By entering the event premises, you waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media of you at the event, including the right to inspect or approve the photo, video or audio recording of you.

    Please note that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent. If you do not want to be filmed/photographed, please make sure to let at least one member of the planning committee @Chris Kofri, @Dagmar Recke, @Jie Kang, @Marina Adomeit know before registering for the event on June 20, 2025.

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