
Episode III: Dr. Daniella Shaw and Dr. Ben Gidley

Beyond Encounters - the Podcast of the Encounters Research project moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann more

Episode II: Prof. Dr. Nonna Mayer and Dr. Sami Everett

Beyond Encounters - the Podcast of the Encounters Research project moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann more

Episode I: Dr. Alyaa Ebbiary and Dr. Dekel Peretz

Beyond Encounters - the Podcast of the Encounters Research project moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann more

Diversität in der deutschen Gesellschaft - Vielfalt als Chance?

Die deutsche Gesellschaft ist vielfältig. Sehr vielfältig sogar, wenn wir uns all die verschiedenen Kulturen und Religionen, Interessen und Lebensentwürfe anschauen. Wie prägt die Diversität unser Zusammenleben? Bilden sich Abgründe zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen? Oder werden wir toleranter? Wie können wir Vielfalt als Chance nutzen? Im Podcast “Denkanstoß Demokratie” der Landeszentrale Politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz spricht Lawrence Meinig mit Karen Schönwälder über Diversität in der deutschen Gesellschaft. more

Was bedeutet Erwachsensein für junge Flüchtlinge, Ulrike Bialas?

in German • Ulrike Bialas has spent more than three years accompanying young people who have had to flee their home countries. In the "Ach, Mensch" podcast, she talks about how the controversial question of age influences the offers of help and the right to stay. more

Weniger Kirche, mehr religiöse Pluralität: Religionsverfassungsrecht revisited

in German • The interview with Vanessa Rau was conducted by Christiane Florin on Deutschlandfunk. more

Wie nehmen wir Menschen mit krausen Haaren wahr?

in German • Who am I? Who are the others? And who do they think I am? We also look for answers to these questions in outward appearances and then infer a person's personality from their appearance. Hair and hairstyles play a special role in such attributions, as Johanna Lukate tells us in this podcast episode of Ach, Mensch. more



Podcast February 28, 2022

Peter Hennessy, Jane Alison and Farhan Samanani discuss Britain post-war and post-Covid, with Helen Lewis, on BBC Start the Week podcast. more

Wie stehen die Deutschen zu Diversität?

in German • Everyone seems to be talking about diversity: companies, banks, soccer... Karen Schönwälder from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity investigates how far acceptance in society really goes and straightens out a skewed picture in this podcast. more

Wie entsteht Superdiversität?

Wie entsteht Superdiversität?

Podcast December 14, 2020

in German • A conversation with Steven Vertovec about the reasons for migration, cultural diversity and successful integration in Germany. more

Refugee accommodations in Göttingen

Refugee accommodations in Göttingen

Podcast October 06, 2017

in German • An interview with Shahd Wari about refugee accommodations in Göttingen. more

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