News & Updates

How diverse is your neighbourhood?
The new Superdiversity project website shows immigration and census data into interactive graphics and maps that showcase Canada’s changing landscapes and how socioeconomic indicators such as wealth, income, employment status and education play out across ethnic groups, generations of newcomers and neighbourhoods.
In a talk with journalist Georg Dietz, Steven Vertovec spoke about his book ‘Superdiversität’ (Suhrkamp Verlag 2024). The term coined by Vertovec helps to understand how the increasing diversification processes in modern societies develop. The discussion was held in English as part of the Göttinger Literaturherbst 2024. 
New Podcast Series
The podcast series “Beyond Encounters” is a production of the “Encounters: Muslim-Jewish relations in urban Europe” research project, where a team of researchers did research on Jewish-Muslim relations in six European cities.
Superdiversity. Migration and Social Complexity
This new book Superdiversity by Steven Vertovec presents a convincing case for recognizing new social formations created by changing migration patterns and calls for a re-thinking of public policy and social scientific approaches to social difference.
The Open Access version is now available at
MPI-MMG in Dialogue
In the MPI-MMG in Dialogue series, Chang Won Lee, Gracia Liu-Farrer, Anja Weiss and Junjia Ye discussed ‘Migration, Retention & Incorporation of the Highly Skilled’ on 18 December 2024. The event was moderated by Helena Hof.


November 06, 2024
In this series, our researchers give brief 3 minute insights into their work: what they research, how they do it and why it is significant. This time: Vanessa Rau on “Love and diversity”.

Forthcoming Events

ALUMNI HOUR | Sakura Yamamura (Aachen University): "Pausing, pivoting and persevering - building a track of your own in migration research and beyond"

Sakura Yamamura (Aachen University)
May 20, 2025 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Zoom Meeting
MPI-MMG in Dialogue
Our series of events on new research findings and current debates will continue. We will be discussing superdiversity, German migration policy, diversity assent and age and migration. Videos of previous In Dialogue events can be found here.

Career & Calls

Job Offers

Currently we do not have any vacancies.


Palgrave Macmillan
Global Diversities

Recent MMG Publications | Monographs and Edited Volumes

Journal Articles

Emmerich, A. (2025). Urban renewal, contested memories and the politics of cultural production: The case of Jewish–Muslim encounters in Germany. European Journal of Cultural Studies. Link

Lang, C., & Badenhoop, E. (2025). Civil society organisations and the local politics of migration: how funding contexts matter. Comparative Migration Studies, 13: 3. Link

Sobhy, H., & Abdalla, N. (2024). Lived citizenship and the Arab Uprisings: Everyday politics, mobilization and belonging. Citizenship Studies, 28(6), 565-594. Link

Borisova, E., & Torno, S. (2024). Images of care: Marriage, family making, and the reproduction of the social order in Tajikistan. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 0(0): OnlineFirst, pp. 1-25. Link

Stasik, M. (2024). Aloneness and the terms of detachment in West African migration. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI), 0(0), 1-18. doi:10.1111/1467-9655.14236. Link

Sobhy, H. (2024). Campaigning for the revolution: Freedom, social justice and citizenship imaginaries in the Egyptian uprising. Mediterranean Politics, publise online, pp. 1-27. Link

Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0. Link

Udo, F., Bhanye, J., Daoudiallo, B., & Naidu, M. (2024). Evaluating the sustainability of local women's climate change adaptation strategies in Durban, South Africa: A feminist political ecology and intersectionality perspective. Sustainable Development, 0, 1-16. Link

Lukate, J. M. (2024). Becoming black? African migrants’ social identity constructions and experiences of racialization in Germany. Identity, 1-19. Link

Hof, H., Muranaka, A., & Park, J. J. (2024). Employment as an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes through the lens of migrants’ access to the labor market. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 0(0), 1-23. Link

Vertovec, S. (2024). Superdiversity and the quest for complexity thinking: A critique of the reductionist approaches to migration and integration. Current issues in migration research: CIMR, 1(1), 32-34. Link

Amr, N., Bass, M., Bialas, U., Lanari, E., Mitchell, K., Schoon, E. W., et al. (2024). Foreclosure, disclosure, and political engagement: A collaborative reflection on scholar-activism in the neoliberal university. Migration and Society, 7(1), 194-205. Link

Bialas, U., Lukate, J. M., & Vertovec, S. (2024). Contested categories in the context of international migration: introduction to the special issue. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Link


Contributions to a collected Edition

Tahiiev, A. (2024). Shia Muslims of Ukraine during the Russian invasion. In E. Muratova, & N. Zasanska (Eds.), Minorities at war: cultural identity and resilience in Ukraine. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group. Link

Vertovec, S. (2023). Jan Blommaert's inspiration. In L. Lessard-Phillips, A. Papoutsi, N. Sigona, & P. Ziss (Eds.), Migration, displacement and diversity: the IRiS anthology (pp. 100-103). Oxford: Oxford Publ. Services; Univ. of Birmingham; IRiS. Link

Ziss, P. (2023). Futures denied: Temporalities of citizenship and the naturalization of Syrians in Turkey. In L. Lessard-Phillips, A. Papoutsi, N. Sigona, & P. Ziss (Eds.), Migration, displacement and diversity: the IRiS anthology (pp. 199-203). Oxford: Oxford Publ. Services; Univ. of Birmingham; IRiS. Link

Schönwälder, K., & Petermann, S. (2024). Vielfalt aus Sicht der Bevölkerung: eine alltägliche Normalität. In F. Gesemann, D. Filsinger, & S. Münch (Eds.), Handbuch Lokale Integrationspolitik (pp. 1-13). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Link

Lukate, J. M. (2023). Ein Nachwort auf (Schwarze) Haare. In E. H. Murandu (Ed.), Book about hair (pp. 330-348). Weimar: Lucia Verlag. Link

Bass, M., Davis, C., Nedsreal, N., & Walendom, L. (2023). Why all the black women sit together on the U-Bahn. In S. Chatterjee, & P.-H. Lee (Eds.), Plural Feminisms: Navigating Resistance as Everyday Praxis (pp. 59-74). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Link

Amrith, M. (2023). Migrant eldercare workers. In S. Torres, & A. Hunter (Eds.), Handbook on Migration and Ageing. (pp. 217-227). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link

Amrith, M., Sakti, V. K., & Sampaio, D. (2023). Introduction. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations (pp. 1-16). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Link

Amrith, M. (2023). Letting go and looking ahead: The aspirations of middle-aged migrant domestic workers in Singapore and Hong Kong. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Link


Alumni News

Martijn van den Brink (2024). Legislative Authority and Interpretation in the European Union. Oxford University Press.
Bob van der Linden (2024). Romantic Nationalism in India: Cultivation of Culture and the Global Circulation of Ideas. Brill.
Seyla Benhabib and Ayelet Shachar (forthcoming in December 2024). Lawless Zones, Rightless Subjects: Migration, Asylum, and Shifting Borders. Cambridge University Press. 

Dana Schmalz (forthcoming in January 2025). Das Bevölkerungsargument: Wie die Sorge vor zu vielen Menschen Politik beeinflusst. Suhrkamp.
Bob van der Linden (forthcoming in 2025). Cultivating Sikh Culture and Identity: Art, Music and Philology. Routledge. 

Appointment / Career

  • Jin-Heon Jung | Professor at the National Institute for Unification Education, Ministry of Unification, Korea
  • Farhan Samanani | Lecturer in Social Justice at the King’s College London
Neena Mahadev was awarded the Clifford Geertz Prize for 2024 from the Society for the Anthropology of Religion (SAR, a section of AAA)
► Dora Sampaio was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for her project RETIREWEL: Retirement across countries: A tripartite analysis of the welfare state, family care networks, and the retirement industry.

Online Media

The City Show

The City Show

The City show is a podcast about complexity and how people live and adapt to life in fast-changing cities across Africa, Latin America and Asia. 
Researchers from the institute describe the development of their projects and the challenges, delights and frustrations of conducting social scientific research.
Online Lectures
Here you will find videos from lectures given by distinguished researchers at the MPI MMG.
Diversity Interviews
Here you will find transcripts of interviews with distinguished scientists, led by staff members of the MMG.

MPI-MMG linked Journals

New Diversities is an international, peer reviewed, scholarly and professional journal, published by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.
Global Networks
Global Networks publishes high quality, peer-reviewed research on global networks, transnational affairs and practices, and their relation to wider theories of globalization. The journal provides a forum for discussion, debate and the refinement of key ideas in this emerging field.
CityScapes is a 144 page biannual print publication. It is a hybrid of forms, simultaneously invested in scholarly discourse around contemporary urbanism in Africa and the Global South, as much as individual everyday experiences and activities of the multitude of actors that are actively involved in shaping cities across the continent and the rest of the developing world.

All social scientific research at the Institute, particularly concerning informed consent and involving visual materials, is designed to follow the ethical guidelines formulated by the American Anthropological Association (see ).

All material on the Institute’s website is protected by copyright. If you wish to use material from the website, please contact our Research Coordinator, Dr. Norbert Winnige ().


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