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Swetlana Torno: "Intergenerational care, citizenship and future making: Contemplating the mobility of Tajik seniors between Tajikistan and Russia" Les études sur l'Asie centrale: pluridisciplinarité et connexions d'un champ December 11-12, 2024 | Paris |
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Journal Articles
Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0. Link
Udo, F., Bhanye, J., Daoudiallo, B., & Naidu, M. (2024). Evaluating the sustainability of local women's climate change adaptation strategies in Durban, South Africa: A feminist political ecology and intersectionality perspective. Sustainable Development, 0, 1-16. Link
Lukate, J. M. (2024). Becoming black? African migrants’ social identity constructions and experiences of racialization in Germany. Identity, 1-19. Link
Hof, H., Muranaka, A., & Park, J. J. (2024). Employment as an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes through the lens of migrants’ access to the labor market. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 0(0), 1-23. Link
Vertovec, S. (2024). Superdiversity and the quest for complexity thinking: A critique of the reductionist approaches to migration and integration. Current issues in migration research: CIMR, 1(1), 32-34. Link
Amr, N., Bass, M., Bialas, U., Lanari, E., Mitchell, K., Schoon, E. W., et al. (2024). Foreclosure, disclosure, and political engagement: A collaborative reflection on scholar-activism in the neoliberal university. Migration and Society, 7(1), 194-205. Link
Bialas, U., Lukate, J. M., & Vertovec, S. (2024). Contested categories in the context of international migration: introduction to the special issue. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Link
Bialas, U. (2024). Who is a minor? Age assessments of refugees in Germany and the classificatory multiplicity of the state. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Link
Vertovec, S., & Genest, S. (2024). Super-Diversity and systems thinking: Selected moments from a conversation with Steven Vertovec. Humans, 4(3), 279-283. Link
Fliess, N., Kiani, A., & Østergaard-Nielsen, E. (2024). Why do autocracies enfranchise their citizens abroad? A large-N event history analysis, 1990–2010. Democratization, 1-25. Link
Rau, V., & Baykara-Krumme, H. (2024). Migration meets disability. Approaches to intersectionality in the context of a disability rights organization. Disability & Society. Link
Emmerich, A. (2024). Jewish-Muslim friendship networks: A study of intergenerational boundary work in postwar Germany. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1-29. Link