

October 22, 2024
If you want to understand social change, you cannot get past Steven Vertovec. The term he coined, superdiversity, made the social scientist and anthropologist internationally renowned. After an introduction, he discusses his theories on the differentiation of social categories as multidimensional, changeable, and permeable with journalist Georg Diez.
How to live with each other
November 1, 2023
How can we live with those who are different from us? In search of experiments in coexistence, the social anthropologist takes us from Kilburn, a ‘super-diverse’ district of London, to Somalia, South India, and Madagascar, all the way to Hoyerswerda in Germany and tells of living together in a divided world.
Die Neuerfindung der Grenzen im 21. Jahrhundert
November 6, 2022
Globalization means mobility and freedom of movement, worldwide. A misconception, says sociologist Steffen Mau. In his book "Sortiermaschinen" (C.H. Beck 2022, nominated for the German Nonfiction Prize), he reveals that borders have been transformed into powerful sorting machines in the age of globalization. They create mobility and immobility at the same time, in favor of the privileged. The professor of macrosociology at HU Berlin talked with Karen Schönwälder (MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) about how these mechanisms work and what role smart borders play. (In German language)
Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft
November 1, 2022
Naika Foroutan shows: Dealing with migration has a lot to do with our relationship to difference, hybridity, and ambiguity. The professor of integration research and social policy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin talked about "Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft: Ein Versprechen der pluralen Demokratie" (Transcript 2019) after her lecture with Karen Schönwälder (MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity). (In German language)
Shifting Borders in the Time of COVID-19
October 27, 2020
In her book "The Shifting Border: Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility" (Manchester University Press 2020), Ayelet Shachar, Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, analyzes the return of borders and their radical transformation. After her talk, she talked with Patrick Cramer. Director at the MPI for Multidisciplinary Science. 
Die neue Odyssee

Die neue Odyssee

October 21, 2017
He has long been known in the English-speaking world for his award-winning articles as the Guardian's first migration correspondent. Patrick Kingsley has already reported from more than thirty countries, and has accompanied numerous refugees on their route. In his recently published book "Die neue Odyssee. Eine Geschichte der europäischen Flüchtlingskrise" (C.H. Beck 2016), published in German, he recounts his encounters with people such as the human smuggler Haji or the pregnant Fattemah Abu al-Rouse from Syria. Based on these biographies, he describes the causes and effects of migration movements not only with personal access, but also finely observed and rich in facts. After his lecture, Kingsley discussed his experiences on the flight routes and the longing destination Europe with Steven Vertovec (MPI for the study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. 
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