Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Article (797)

Journal Article
Bass, M. (2024). Summer (somewhere) in the city. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, OnlineFirst, 1–2.
Journal Article
Borisova, E., & Torno, S. (2024). Images of care: Marriage, family making, and the reproduction of the social order in Tajikistan. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 0(0).
Journal Article
Byelikova, Y. (2024). Challenges of Ukrainian refugees in Germany: Resources for women’s empowerment. Migration and Diversity, 3(1), 51–69.
Journal Article
Drożdżowicz, A., & Peled, Y. (2024). The complexities of linguistic discrimination. Philosophical Psychology.
Journal Article
Emmerich, A. (2024). Freundschaftspioniere im Bahnhofsviertel: Juden und Muslime in einer multikulturellen Nachbarschaft. Herder-Korrespondenz: Monatshefte für Gesellschaft und Religion, 2024(5), 30–32. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Karimi, A., & Byelikova, Y. (2024). Wartime (im)mobilities: effects of aspirations-capabilities on displaced Ukrainians in Canada and Germany and their viewpoints on those who remain in Ukraine. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Journal Article
Kyselova, O. (2024). The restriction of labour rights in war conditions: The Ukranian experience. InterEULawEast, 11(1), 167–199.
Journal Article
Lanari, E. (2024). Makeshift activism and the afterlives of refugee welcome in Covid-19 Italy. Critique of Anthropology, OnlineFirst(0), 1–20.
Journal Article
Lemon, E., Torno, S., & Rashidov, T. (2024). Values education, the family, and youth in Tajikistan: Building docile subjects. Problems of Post-Communism, 1–11.
Journal Article
Matyjas-Lysakowska , P., & Kyselova, O. (2024). Employee subordination of civil service officials in the context of remote work: Insights from Polish and Ukranian experience. Futurity: Economics and Law, 4(2), 148–167.
Journal Article
Peled, Y. (2024). Solidarity and/in language: Theory, practice, rhetoric. Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric, 14(01), 79–102.
Journal Article
Peretz, D. (2024). Mediatization of Jewish–Muslim dialogue in Germany amid COVID‑19. Contemporary Jewry.
Journal Article
Rau, V., & Baykara-Krumme, H. (2024). Migration meets disability. Approaches to intersectionality in the context of a disability rights organization. Disability & Society.
Journal Article
Sobhy, H. (2024). When do teachers strike: Between strong Unions, divergent preferences and political opportunity in Tunisia. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1–16.
Journal Article
Sobhy, H. (2024). Equity, the transnational and the global learning crisis. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1).
Journal Article
Tahiiev, A. (2024). Female leadership in Shia Islam: Women on the way from Mujtahid to Marja.’ Societies, 14(1).
Journal Article
Vertovec, S. (2024). Contexts, categories and superdiversities. Symposium: Steven Vertovec's Superdiversity: Migration and Social Complexity. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1–6.
Journal Article
Vertovec, S., Hiebert, D., Spoonley, P., & Gamlen, A. (2024). Visualizing superdiversity and “seeing” urban socio-economic complexity. Urban Geography, 45(2), 179–200.
Journal Article
Yavorska, V., Rega, I., Kyselova, O., Goncharova, A., & Nehoda, Y. (2024). Women's rights and gender equality: Analysis of issues and achievements. International Journal of Religion, 5(5), 20–26.
Journal Article
Amrith, M., Neal, Z. P., & Waters, J. L. (2023). Editorial. Global Networks, 23(1), 5–8.
Journal Article
Bialas, U. (2023). Ambiguous ages, ambivalent youths: How asylum seekers in Germany navigate age categorization. Migration Politics, 2(1).
Journal Article
Bialas, U., & Sohail, J. (2023). Flucht nach vorne (seeking refuge in the future): Trauma, agency, and the fantasy of onward flight among refugees in Berlin. Ethos, 50(4), 1–16.
Journal Article
Byelikova, Y., & Lysytsia, N. (2023). The influence of cultural factors on the reidentification of Ukrainian refugees. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 7(1-2), 71–89 .
Journal Article
Coultas, C., Reddy, G., & Lukate, J. M. (2023). Towards a social psychology of precarity. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(S1), 1–20.
Journal Article
Drouhot, L. G., Schönwälder, K., Petermann, S., & Vertovec, S. (2023). Who supports refugees? Diversity assent and pro-refugee engagement in Germany. Comparative Migration Studies, 11.
Journal Article
Emmerich, A. (2023). Arrival of legal Salafism and struggle for recognition in Germany: Reflection and adaptation processes within the German da'wa movement between 2001 and 2022. Politics and Religion.
Journal Article
Emmerich, A. (2023). (Un)wanted partners: Muslim politics and third front coalitions in India. India Review, 22(5), 593–622.
Journal Article
Emmerich, A. (2023). Interreligiöse Begegnungen in der Metropole: Am Beispiel von jüdisch-muslimischen Beziehungen in Frankfurt am Main. Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung, 2023(6), 301–303. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Harris, E., & Enggist , M. (2023). The micro-foundations of social democratic welfare chauvinism and inclusion: class demand and policy reforms in Western Europe, 1980−2018. European Political Science Review, 1–18.
Journal Article
Harris, E., Schönwälder, K., Petermann, S., & Vertovec, S. (2023). Diversity assent: conceptualisation and an empirical application. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1–25.
Journal Article
Hof, H., & Alloul, J. (2023). Migratory class-making in global Asian cities: The European mobile middle negotiating ambivalent privilege in Tokyo, Singapore, and Dubai. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Journal Article
Kyselova, O., Kravtsov, D., Yermak, O., Kozhyna, A., & Stovolos, N. (2023). Implementation of EU standards in the labor sphere while establishing the new labor code of Ukraine. Economic Affairs, 68(1s), 271–278.
Journal Article
Lanari, E. (2023). Latina M(other)work against racism: living with legal precarity in suburban Atlanta. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46(2), 316–337.
Journal Article
Lukate, J. M. (2023). On the precariousness of address: What narratives of being called White can tell us about researching and re/producing social categories in research. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(S1), 56–70.
Journal Article
Lukate, J. M., & Foster, J. L. (2023). ‘Depending on where I am...’ Hair, travelling and the performance of identity among Black and mixed-race women. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(1), 342–358.
Journal Article
Peled, Y. (2023). The practical ethics of linguistic integration: Three challenges. Metaphilosophy, 1–15.
Journal Article
Peretz, D. (2023). Generation enraged: The Journal Jalta as a mouthpiece for young Jews in Germany. European Judaism, 56(2), 75–87.
Journal Article
Rau, V. (2023). Between symbolic distancing and following desires: Conversion to Judaism among women in Germany. Religion and Gender, 13(2), 162–185 .
Journal Article
Römer, F., Henninger, J., & Harris, E. (2023). Social protection for mobile populations? A global perspective on immigrant social rights. Social Policy and Administration, 2023, 1–20.
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K. (2023). Ageing at the margins: gendered and southern narratives of displacement among the East Timorese in Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(4), 1065–1081.
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K. (2023). Older refugee perspectives on death, remembrance, and burial: The East Timorese in Indonesia. Journal of Refugee Studies.
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K., & Taek, D. Y. (2023). Reflections on ethics in research with older displaced persons in West Timor: Considering the “time effect.” International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 54(1), 39–58. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Samanani, F., Crockford, S., Knight, D. M., Stensrud, C., Daswani, G., Tuters, M., & Chaviara, I. (2023). Animating irony: The force of irony in online and offline political movements. Public Culture, 35(2), 191–206.
Journal Article
Sampaio, D., & Amrith, M. (2023). Editorial introduction: Southern reconfigurations of the ageing-migration nexus. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(4), 927–944.
Journal Article
Schiller, M. (2023). Local immigrant councils as a form of participation and governance: How institutional design and agency matter. Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Journal Article
Seethaler-Wari, S., & Yanasmayan, Z. (2023). Unfolding intersecting forms of socio-spatial exclusion: Accommodation centres at the height of the “refugee reception crisis” in Germany. International Migration, 1–15.
Journal Article
Shen, Y. (2023). The Power of wish-vows: Ethics and ritual transformation in Buddhist temples in contemporary China. Material Religion, 19(3), 211–235.
Journal Article
Tahiiev, A. (2023). Application of the islamic family law in European countries and experience of Ukraine = Практика застосування норм ісламського сімейного права в окремих країнах Європи та досвід України. Schidnyj Svit = The World of the Orient, 118(1), 114–123.
Journal Article
Tahiiev, A. (2023). Impact of the events of Saqifa on the formation of differences between the islamic Sunni and Shia tradition. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 18(1), 161–167.
Journal Article
Tahiiev, A. (2023). Prospects for higher Shia religious education in post-Soviet countries. Religions, 14(7).
Journal Article
Torno, S. (2023). Life-course management and social security in later life: Women’s biographical practices spanning generations and historical contexts in Tajikistan. Historical Social Research, 48(4), 104–130.
Journal Article
Wolter, N. (2023). Doing nothing? Dynamics of waiting among ageing internally displaced Cameroonians during the anglophone crisis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(4), 1050–1064.
Journal Article
Amrith, M. (2022). The temporal borders of transnational belonging: Aging migrant domestic workers in Singapore. American Behavioral Scientist, 66(14), 1912–1927.
Journal Article
Amrith, M. (2022). Fleeting joy, divergent expectations and reconfigured intimacies: The visits home of Filipino migrant care workers in Singapore. Global Networks, 1–15.
Journal Article
Amrith, M., & Coe, C. (2022). Disposable kin: Shifting registers of belonging in global care economies. American Anthropologist, 124(2), 307–318.
Journal Article
Baykara-Krumme, H., & Rau, V. (2022). Herausforderung Vielfalt? Migrantische Repräsentation und Teilhabe in einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisation für Menschen mit Behinderung. Teilhabe: die Fachzeitschrift der Lebenshilfe, 61(1), 4–12. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Beaverstock, J. V., Cohen, R., Rogers, A., & Vertovec, S. (2022). Covid-19 and Global Networks: Reframing our understanding of globalization and transnationalism. Global Networks, 1–5.
Journal Article
Bialas, U. (2022). The effect of offspring sex on parents’ migration probabilities and outcomes: A natural experiment. Sociological Inquiry, 92(S1), 681–709.
Journal Article
Careja, R., & Harris, E. (2022). Thirty years of welfare chauvinism research: Findings and challenges. Journal of European Social Policy, 32(2), 212–224.
Journal Article
Emmerich, A. (2022). Negotiating Germany’s first Muslim–Christian kindergarten: Temporalities, multiplicities, and processes in interreligious dialogue. Social Compass, 69(4), 578–595.
Journal Article
Emmerich, A. (2022). Masks, mosques and lockdowns: Islamic organisations navigating the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Entangled Religions, 12(3).
Journal Article
Harris, E. (2022). Educational divides and class-coalitions: How mainstream party voters divide and unite over immigration issues. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Journal Article
Harris, E., & Römer , F. (2022). Contextual welfare chauvinism: Left-wing governments and immigrant welfarerights in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research.
Journal Article
Hazama, E. (2022). Unravelling the myth of Gandhian non-violence: Why did Gandhi connect his principle of satyāgraha with the “Hindu” notion of ahiṃsā? Modern Intellectual History, First View.
Journal Article
Hof, H. (2022). Die "mixed embeddedness" ausländischer Unternehmer*innen in Tōkyōs Startup-Ökosystem. Japan ...: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung, 2022, 233–259. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Lanari, E. (2022). Speaking up, rising above: Latina lived citizenship in the metropolitan US South. Citizenship Studies, 26(1), 38–54 .
Journal Article
Lukate, J. M. (2022). Space, race and identity: An ethnographic study of the Black hair care and beauty landscape and Black women's racial identity constructions in England. Journal of Social Issues., 78, 107–125.
Journal Article
Lukate, J. M. (2022). On the precariousness of address: What narratives of being called White can tell us about researching and re/producing social categories in research. British Journal of Social Psychology, (00), 1–15.
Journal Article
Middleton, J., & Samanani, F. (2022). Whose city? Which sociality? Urban Geography.
Journal Article
Moutselos, M., & Schönwälder, K. (2022). The immigrant presence in collaborative structures of urban politics. Governance, 35(1), 303–321.
Journal Article
Punathil, S. (2022). Precarious citizenship: detection, detention and ‘deportability’ in India. Citizenship Studies, Ahead-of-print.
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K. (2022). ‘Here for Now’: Temporalities of ageing and forced displacement through pension narratives. Journal of Intercultural Studies.
Journal Article
Sakti, V. K., & Amrith, M. (2022). Introduction: Living in the ‘here and now’: Extended temporalities of forced migration. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(4), 457–463.
Journal Article
Samanani, F. (2022). The long road: Hope, violence, and ethical register in London street culture. American Ethnologist: a Journal of the American Ethnological Society.
Journal Article
Samanani, F. (2022). Tracing convivality: Identifying questions, tensions and tools in the study of living with difference. Journal of Intercultural Studies.
Journal Article
Samanani, F. (2022). Convivality and its others: for a plural politics of living with difference. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Journal Article
Sampaio, D. (2022). Ageing, agency and work: Brazilian older adults building spaces of opportunity in the United States. Social & Cultural Geography.
Journal Article
Sampaio, D. (2022). Work as affective care: Visiting parents’ experiences of paid work abroad. Global Networks, 13.
Journal Article
Sampaio, D., & Carvalho, R. F. (2022). Transnational families, care and wellbeing: The role of legal status and sibling relationships across borders. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3.
Journal Article
Suerbaum, M. (2022). In search of legal stability: predicaments of asylum-seeking mothers in Berlin. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Journal Article
Walton-Roberts, M., Amrith, M., & Sæther, B. (2022). [Review of:] Doctoral thesis review - Anmeldelse av doktoravhandling. Aslaug Gotehus. 2022. Agency and Temporality in Skilled Migration: Decisions, Experiences and Practices of Filipino Nurses in Norway and the Philippines. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 76(3), 192–195.
Journal Article
Ward, P. (2022). The worth of their work: The (in)visible value of refugee volunteers in the transnational humanitarian aid sector. Work, Employment & Society, 36(5), 928–944.
Journal Article
Yamamura, S. (2022). The multi-scalar embeddedness of support policies for migrant entrepreneurship in Japan. International Migration.
Journal Article
Yamamura, S. (2022). From global city makers to global city-shapers: Migration industries in the global city networks. Urban Studies.
Journal Article
Yamamura, S. (2022). Transnational migrants and the socio-spatial superdiversification of the global city Tokyo. Urban Studies, 0(0).
Journal Article
Yamamura, S. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the transnationalization of LGBT* activism in Japan and beyond. Global Networks, 1–12.
Journal Article
Yamamura, S., & Lassalle, P. (2022). Extending mixed embeddedness to a multi-dimensional concept of transnational entrepreneurship. Comparative Migration Studies, 10.
Journal Article
Yamamura, S., Lassalle, P., & Shaw, E. (2022). Intersecting where? The multi-scalar contextual embeddedness of intersectional entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Journal Article
Amrith, M. (2021). The linear imagination, stalled: changing temporal horizons in migrant journeys. Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, 21(1), 127–145.
Journal Article
Amrith, M. (2021). Ageing bodies, precarious futures: The (im)mobilities of ‘temporary’ migrant domestic workers over time. Mobilities, 16(2), 249–261.
Journal Article
Bhasi, S. (2021). Remembered and forgotten gods: Caste and the transnational worship of ancestral deities among Malaysian Hindus. Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 193, 55–78. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Boudou, B. (2021). Beyond the welcoming rhetoric: Hospitality as a principle of care for the displaced. Essays in Philosophy, 22(1-2), 85–101.
Journal Article
Boudou, B., Leaman, H., & Scholz , M. M. (2021). Sacred welcomes: How religious reasons, structures, and interactions shape refugee advocacy and settlement. Migration and Society, 4(1), 99–109.
Journal Article
Chimbidzikai, T. (2021). “It’s a Big Umbrella”: Uncertainty, Pentecostalism, and the integration of Zimbabwe exemption permit immigrants in Johannesburg, South Africa. Migration and Society, 4(1), 163–171 .
Journal Article
Dean, K. (2021). Opium for the gods: Cheang Hong Lim (1841-1893), headman and ritual libationer of the Hokkien Community, leader of the Singapore Great Opium Syndicate (1870-1882). Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 193, 107–130. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Diao, Y. (2021). Traditional culture as a vehicle for Christian future-making: ethnic minority elites pioneering self-representations in northern Myanmar. Social Anthropology, 29(3), 669–685.
Journal Article
Drouhot, L. G. (2021). Cracks in the melting pot? Religiosity and assimilation among the diverse Muslim population in France. American Journal of Sociology, 126(4), 795–851.
Journal Article
Drouhot, L. G., & Garip, F. (2021). What’s behind a racial category? Uncovering heterogeneity among Asian Americans through a data-driven typology. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 7(2), 22–45.
Journal Article
Drouhot, L. G., Petermann, S., Schönwälder, K., & Vertovec, S. (2021). Has the Covid-19 pandemic undermined public support for a diverse society? Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(5), 877–892.
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