Beyond Encounters

The podcast series “Beyond Encounters” is a production of the “Encounters: Muslim-Jewish relations in urban Europe” research project, where a team of researchers did research on Jewish-Muslim relations in six European cities. Moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann, the podcasts present in-depth conversations with researchers from the UK, France and Germany and discusses insights, results and the challenges of doing research in these turbulent times. 

Episode III: Dr. Daniella Shaw and Dr. Ben Gidley

Beyond Encounters - the Podcast of the Encounters Research project moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann more

Episode II: Prof. Dr. Nonna Mayer and Dr. Sami Everett

Beyond Encounters - the Podcast of the Encounters Research project moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann more

Episode I: Dr. Alyaa Ebbiary and Dr. Dekel Peretz

Beyond Encounters - the Podcast of the Encounters Research project moderated by Dr. Vanessa Rau and Shai Hoffmann more

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