Publications & Conference contributions

Druez, Élodie


  • Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0.

Conference contributions

  • Muslim-Jewish Encounter, Diversity and Distance in Urban Europe – A Round-Table | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022

Ebbiary, Alyaa


  • Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0.

Conference contributions

  • Muslim-Jewish Encounter, Diversity and Distance in Urban Europe – A Round-Table | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022
  • Whiteness, Race, Indigeneity & Decolonisation among Jewish and Muslim activists online | BIAJS Annual Conference 2023: Race in Jewish Worlds, Antiquity to the Present | July 10 - 12, 2023

Egorova, Yulia


  • Egorova, Y. (2024).”Ethics Without Borders: Solidarity and Difference in Inter-community Dialogue”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 30 (2): in press.
  • Egorova, Y. (2023). “Common Difference: Conceptualising Simultaneity and Racial Sincerity in Jewish-Muslim Relations in the United Kingdom”, Anthropological Theory (published as online first).
  • Egorova Y, (2022). “This Is Just Where We Are in History”. Jews and Muslims in Europe - Between Discourse and Experience. (pp. 231-249).

Conference contributions

  • Encounters with difference: negotiating the tropes of 'Jewish-Muslim relations' in the UK | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - 7, 2021
  • Crisis in American Art and Literature, chair of the panel discussion | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - 7, 2021
  • Concepts of the State of Israel, chair of the panel discussion | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - 7, 2021
  • Chair of the panel discussion “New Antisemitism’ and Anti-Antisemitism |BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022
  • Muslim-Jewish Encounter, Diversity and Distance in Urban Europe, chair of the panel discussion | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022
  • Defining Difference: Solidarity, Race and the Liminal Self in Jewish-Muslim Inter-community Networks | BIAJS Annual Conference 2023: Race in Jewish Worlds, Antiquity to the Present | July 10 - 12, 2023

Emmerich, Arndt


  • Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0.
  • Emmerich, A. (2023). “Political accommodation of Salafism in Germany: A long-term view”, Religion in Public.
  • Emmerich, A. (2023). “(Un)Wanted Partners: Muslim Politics and Third Front Coalitions in India,” India Review, 22(5), 1-22.
  • Emmerich, A. (2023), “Arrival of Legal Salafism and the Struggle for Recognition in Germany – Reflection and Adaptation Processes within the German Da’wa movement between 2001 and 2022,” Politics and Religion (First View), 1-19.
  • Emmerich, A. (2023) Provincializing dialogue: Post-secular governance networks and brokerage of religious diversity in a Northern German town, for edited Volume, Dialogue and Beyond - The Sites, Practices and Materialities of Interfaith Encounter in Europe. Routledge, 71-87.
  • Emmerich, A. (2022). Masks, mosques and lockdowns: Islamic organisations navigating the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Entangled Religions.
  • Emmerich, A. (2022). Negotiating Germany’s first Muslim–Christian kindergarten: Temporalities, multiplicities, and processes in interreligious dialogue. Social Compass.
  • Emmerich, A. (2021). Language change and persistence within Turkish mosques in Germany: Transnational ties and domestic demands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.




  • Research Seminar  for the Department of Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck, University of London, 23 January 2023.
  • Research Seminar for the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity. 20. March 2023, Göttingen.
  • Germany and Europe in the World: Insider and Outsider Perspectives, 9th Interdisciplinary Conference of the DAAD-funded Centres for German and European Studies 28 – 31. March 2023, Berlin.
  • British Jewish Study Association Conference | King’s College London | July 12, 2022
  • Sociology of Religion Colloquium | University of Munster | 2022
  • “Urbane Sozialformen des Religiösen zwischen Pluralisierung und Regulierung“ (Urban Social Forms of the Religious between Pluralisation and Regulation) | University of Hamburg | September 21-23, 2022
  • Muslim-Jewish Encounter, Diversity and Distance in Urban Europe – A Round-Table | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022

Everett, Sami


  • Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0.
  • Everett, S., & Gidley, B. (2018). Getting away from the noise Jewish-Muslim interactions and narratives in E1/Barbès. Francospheres
  • Everett, S. (2020). Une Ambiance Diaspora: Continuity and Change in Parisian Maghrebi Imaginaries. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 62(1), 135-155. doi:10.1017/S0010417519000434
  • Everett, S., & Vince, R. (2020). Jewish–Muslim Interactions (Vol. 11, Francophone Postcolonial Studies). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
  • Miliani, H., & Everett, S. (2020). “Marie Soussan: A Singular Trajectory”, in Samuel Everett and Rebekah Vince (eds.) Jewish-Muslim Interactions (p. 81-100). Liverpool University Press.
  • Everett S. (2020) “Notes from a pilgrimage-ethnography to the grave of Amran Ben Diwan” Hespéris-Tamuda 55(2): 49-64.
  • Everett, S. (2022). From Les Petites Jérusalems to Jerusalem: North African Postcolonial Racialization and Orthodoxy. AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 46(1), 113-130.
  • Everett S. (2022) “Le Cinéma à Belleville et Belleville au Cinéma” in Juifs et Musulmans de France : de l’Empire à l’Hexagone (Paris, Le Seuil)
  • Everett, S., Gidley, B. (2022) Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience, Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, Brill 2022.
  • Everett S, (2022). Deconstructing conspiracies in Marseilles Reza Zia-Ebrahimi, Antisémitisme et Islamophobie: une histoire croisée, Contreparties Series. Paris: Éditions Amsterdam 2021. 224pp.

Conference contributions

  • Jewish-Muslim dialogue in Paris: conscious and unconscious elisions and confusions | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - 7, 2021
  • Discourses of Séfarade and being Maghrebi and Jewish in France | BIAJS Annual Conference 2023: Race in Jewish Worlds, Antiquity to the Present | July 10 - 12, 2023 

Gidley, Ben



Conference contributions

  • Entangled Encounters: Jews, Muslims and racialisation | BIAJS Annual Conference 2023: Race in Jewish Worlds, Antiquity to the Present | July 10 - 12, 2023
  • “Ghetto radicalism: cultures of translation”, Muslim Intellectuals, Jewish Intellectuals and the Co-Writing of Europe, Humbolt and Heidelberg universities, Granada, 2023.
  • Is Antisemitism a form of racism, and what does the answer mean for anti-racism today?” BISA public lecture, Birkbeck University of London, July 2023.
  • “Is antisemitism a form of racism?” Summer Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, York University, Toronto, June 2023.
  • Remixing, communal knowledge and auto-ethnography: perspective on methods of analysis”, Loosen Up: sharing methods of analysis in practice-research, Corkscrew research network, Birkbeck University of London, June 2023.
  • “Identity Politics and the Hostile Environment”, Identity Politics and the Hostile Environment”, Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment webinar, June 2023.
  • Yiddish Changing with the Times: Yiddish Publishing and Textual Culture, chair of the panel discussion | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022
  • Muslim-Jewish Encounter, Diversity and Distance in Urban Europe – A Round-Table | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022
  • Rethinking Encounters | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - 7, 2021
  • Yiddish Responses to the Khurbn, chair of the panel discussion | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - 7, 2021
  • Yiddish Culture in Modern Britain, chair of the panel discussion | BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present | July 5 - July 7, 2021
  • Correspondences: a conversation about art, memory and heritage, Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories, University of Brighton, June 2021.
  • Facing antisemitism, rebuilding anti-racism“, University of Cambridge Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture, January 2020.

Kasstan, Ben


Lamine, Anne-Sophie


  • Lamine, A. S. (2020). Identités religieuses, appartenance communautaire et participation sociale. Revue du droit des religions, (10), 105-121.
  • Lamine, A. S. (2021). Cultivating a Common World from a Specific Place: The Case of Muslim Internet Media Outlets in France. In in C. Gärtner & H. Winkel (eds.). Exploring Islam beyond Orientalism and Occidentalism (pp. 233-258). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Mayer, Nonna


  • Mayer, N. « Mesure des opinions antisémites en France », in Actes du colloque « L'antisémitisme en France : constater et combattre « Palais du Luxembourg, sous l’égide d’EELV et du CRIF, Paris, 24 Avril 2023 (forthcoming online)
  • Mayer, N. “Le Rassemblement national est-il amnésique?”, in Gensburger (Sarah) et Lefranc (Sandrine) (dir.), La mémoire collective en question(s), Paris, PUF, p.439-448.
  • Mayer N., Ando Y., Tiberj V., Vitale T., “Le regard des chercheurs”, in  Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme, La lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie. 2022, Paris, La Documentation française, 2023, p.139-200.
  • MAYER (Nonna) et TIBERJ, Vincent, « Racial prejudice in multicultural France », in Helen Drake, Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French Politics 6, 2020, Londres, MacMillan, p. 143-162. (ISBN-13: 978-1352011296)
  • Mayer N., Ando Y., Michelat G.,  Tiberj V. Mise en perspective de trente ans d’évolution par les chercheurs . In : Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme, ed.  La lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie. 2020. La Documentation française ; 2021 : 33-112.
  • Mayer N. Antisemitismus in Frankreich ». In : Ritter A., ed. Antisemitismus in Europa Eine Problemanzeige im Kontext des interreligiösen Dialogs. Waxmann (Studien zum interreligiösen Dialog 15); 2021 : 96-107.
  • Mayer N. Le racisme antiblanc. In : Policar A., Mayer N., Corcuff P., eds. Les mots qui fâchent. Contre le maccarthysme intellectuel. Editions de l’Aube ; 2022 :141-145.
  • Mayer N., Tiberj V. Jews and Muslims in Sarcelles: face to face or side by side? In: Gidley B., Everett S., eds. Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience.  Annual Review of the Sociology of religion, 13. Brill; 2022: 183-208.
  • Ando, Y., Mayer N., Tiberj V., Vitale T. Le regard des chercheurs. In :  Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme, ed.  La lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie. 2021. La Documentation française ; 2022 : 41-109.
  • Mayer, N. (2022). IV. Permanence et mutations des préjugés antisémites en France. Dans : Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun éd., L'antisémitisme contemporain en France: Rémanences ou émergences ? (pp. 95-116). Paris: Hermann.

Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth


  • Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth (2022): “Dialog im Schatten der Hierarchie. Zur Integrationspolitischen Aneignung lokaler Dialoginitiativen“. In: Merdan Günes/Andreas Kubik/Georg Steins (eds.): Macht im interreligiösen Dialog. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Freiburg: Herder, 147-171.
  • Nagel A, (2022). Religiöse Migrantengemeinden und soziale Dienste. Religionssoziologische Perspektiven. Religiöse Migrantengemeinden und ihre Dienstleistungen für ältere Menschen - Zwischen offener Altenarbeit und Altenpflege. (pp. 81-100).
  • Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth/Kalender, Mehmet (2020): “Guestbooks in multifaith spaces as (inter-)religious media”. In: Religion 50.3, 372-391.
  • Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth (2020): “Crossing the Lines? Inter- and Multifaith Governance as an Arena of Boundary Work”. In: Körs, A., Weisse, W., Willaime, JP. (eds) Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue. Springer, Cham.

Peretz, Dekel


  • Gidley, B., Everett, S. S., Druez, E., Ebbiary, A., Emmerich, A., Peretz, D., et al. (2024). Off and on stage interactions: Muslim-Jewish encounter in urban Europe. Ethnicities, OnlineFirst, 0-0.
  • Peretz, D. (2023). “Generation Enraged. The Journal Jalta as a Mouthpiece for Young Jews in Germany.” European Judaism, 56 (2): 75-87.
  • Peretz, Dekel. “Altneuland. A German Colonial Journal?.” In: Susanne Marten-Finnis; Michael Nagel (eds.), On the Transcultural Nature of Jewish Periodicals. Interconnectivity and Entanglements (Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts), 197–206. Tuebingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2023.
  • Rau, Vanessa; Peretz, Dekel. “Zwischen Tradition und Freiheit. Religion, Säkularität und Religionsfreiheit aus jüdischer Perspektive.” In: Vanessa Rau; Mahyar Nicoubin (eds.), Religionsverfassungsrecht revisited. Religion, Säkularität und Gesellschaft im Wandel, 221–25. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2023.
  • Peretz, Dekel. Zionism and Cosmopolitanism. Franz Oppenheimer and the Dream of a Jewish Future in Germany and Palestine. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2022.
  • Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth; Peretz, Dekel. "Precarious Companionship. Discourses of Adversity and Commonality in Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Intiatives in Germany." in: Samuel Sami Everett; Ben Gidley (ed.) Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience. Brill, Leiden, 2022.
  • Peretz, Dekel. "Generation Wütend. Die Zeitschrift 'Jalta' als Sprachrohr junger Jüd*innen." in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 44-45/2021.

Conference contributions

  • “The Politics of Music: Jewish-Muslim musical cooperations in Berlin”, Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies, May 15-16, 2023
  • “The Politics of Jewish-Muslim Collaborations in Berlin’s Music Scene”, University of Strasbourg, June 6, 2023
  • “Franz Oppenheimer über die Ko-Existenz der Religionen“ | German National Library, Frankfurt a. M. | September 5, 2022
  • “Nomad Properties. Political Anthropologies of Nomadism from the 18th Century until Today“ | Erfurt, Germany | June 30 - July 2, 2022
  • “A Jewish Europe? Virtual and Real-Life Spaces in the 21st Century” | Gothenburg, Sweden | May 3-5, 2022
  • “Jüdische Studien in Deutschland – gesellschaftliche Relevanz oder Elfenbeinturm?“ | Vereinigung für Jüdische Studien (VJS) | November 1, 2021
  • “Entangled Otherings: Critical Perspectives on the Relationship of Antisemitism and Racism” | Gut Siggen und digital | June 28-30, 2021

Shaw, Daniella

Conference contributions

  • Muslim-Jewish Encounter, Diversity and Distance in Urban Europe – A Round-Table | BIAJS Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics | July 10 - 13, 2022
  • Faith, space and racial identities in one London borough | BIAJS Annual Conference 2023: Race in Jewish Worlds, Antiquity to the Present | July 10 - 12, 2023 



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