"The Family, Human Rights and Internationalism"
Workshops, conferences 2018
- Start: Nov 2, 2018
- End: Nov 3, 2018
- Location: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen

For more details please contact esser(at)mmg.mpg.de.
Historical and historical-sociological research on
human rights discourse and law has abounded in recent years. However, it
has neglected one of the key issues that informed early thinking about
human rights in the nineteenth century: the family as a protected
category. This conference addresses this issue by approaching it from
the perspective of global historical sociology. In this way, the
conference also sheds important light on the historical diffusion of
cultural and legal norms on the family and sexuality. It reflects on
various religious and other concepts of the family and considers how
they emerged and spread across the globe along with human rights. How
have human rights law and discourse intersected with imaginaries of the
family and sexuality? How has this connection taken shape in different
historical contexts? And, how has it evolved from the late nineteenth to
the twentieth century?
The conference brings together historians and historical sociologists interested in global norm dynamics related to the family through international law, international institutions, empires, and migration. Papers will focus on these issues from a historical perspective covering the nineteenth as well as the twentieth century. They will also consider various mechanisms through which norms on the family intersected with ideas about human rights, for example, through empires and their collapse; intellectuals; war; and, migration, amongst others. The conference features case studies on regions from around the globe, as well as those on relevant international organisations and individuals who have been influential in this regard.
Friday, 2 November 2018
9.30 Registration / coffee-tea
9.45 Welcome: Matthias Koenig (Göttingen) & Julia Moses (Sheffield/Göttingen)
10-11.15 Keynote I: Miloš Vec (Vienna), Family First: A Liquid Model of In- and Exclusion. Chair: Matthias Koenig (Göttingen)
11.15-11.30 Break
11.30-1.15 Panel I: Early Debates and Ideas. Chair: Rainer Bauböck (EUI/Göttingen)
Marco Duranti (Sydney), Catholicism, the Family, and the Deeper Origins of UN Human Rights Norms
Julia Moses (Sheffield/Göttingen), Human Rights, Civility and the Family in early International Law
Jannis Panagiotidis (Osnabrück), The Family, the Nation, and the Right to Free Movement: On the Making of Cross-Bloc Migration during the Cold War
1.15-2.15 Lunch
2.15-4.30 Women’s Rights, Sexuality and Human Rights. Chair: Marie-Claire Foblets (MPI for Social Anthropology, Halle)
Mariana Castrellon (Stanford), The Natural Family, The Colombian Feminist Movement, and the CEDAW: Did Cohabiting Women Matter?
Matthew Waites (Glasgow), Colonialism and the Regulation of Same-Sex Sexualities: A Historical-Sociological Comparative Analysis of Colonial Legacies in African Commonwealth States
Elizabeth Boyle (Minnesota), The Catholic Church, Family, and Women's Rights in World Society
Dörthe Engelcke (MPI International Private Law, Hamburg), The exemption of Christian family law in Jordan from the CEDAW debate: diffusion of international norms through legal borrowing?
7.30 Dinner at Restaurant Gaudí. Rote Str. 16, 37073 Göttingen.
9.30 Arrival / Coffee-tea
9.45-11 Keynote Lecture II: Glenda Sluga (Sydney), Human Rights in the Shaping of International Orders, 1814-1974. Chair: Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen)
11-11.15 Break
11.15-1 Reproductive Rights. Chair: Julia Moses (Sheffield/Göttingen)
Isabel Heinemann (Münster), “In the Name of the Nuclear Family”? Reproductive Decision-Making and Human Rights Discourse in the Second Half of the 20th century
Paul van Trigt (Leiden), Disabled Reproduction? A History of the Right to have a Family in the United Nations’ Observances dedicated to People with Disabilities
Silke Hackenesch (Cologne), Human Rights, Civil Rights, or Children’s Rights? International Adoptions in Postwar America
1-2 Lunch / Concluding Discussion. Chair: Matthias Koenig (Göttingen) & Julia Moses (Sheffield/Göttingen)