"The 2017 French presidential election: Results and prospects"

Workshops, conferences 2017

  • Date: May 17, 2017
  • Time: 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen
  • Room: Library Hall
"The 2017 French presidential election: Results and prospects"
For the second time in the history of the French fifth Republic, the Front National is on the second turn of the presidential election. For the first time, both main parties – the Socialist Party with Benoit Hamon and the Republicans with François Fillon – have been beaten. During a long campaign full of twists and turns (both winners of the primaries were underdogs, fake job scandals, etc.), a new leftist force has emerged, embodied by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and a centrist candidate, Emmanuel Macron, who never got elected before, won it all.

For more details please contact buethe(at)mmg.mpg.de.

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The party-system is then severely shaken, the extreme-right has never gathered so many votes, the French people is divided about the strategy to adopt between the two turns, and the perspective for the future president of having a strong majority at the legislative elections in June is highly improbable.

Whatever the outcomes might be, populist themes have spread, especially in the toxic context of the terrorist attacks: Euroscepticism, aggressive rants against diversity and immigration, doubtful questions about the future of laïcité and French culture, a left- and right-wing revival of patriotism and nationalism.

All these elements of uncertainty call for further analysis. We are happy to invite you to a roundtable to understand and discuss these issues.

with the participation of

  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Ruß (University of Kassel),
  • Dr. Dimitri Almeida (University of Göttingen),
  • and members of the MPI-MMG:
    - Dr. Miriam Schader,
    - Dr. Michalis Moutselos, and
    - Dr. Benjamin Boudou

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