"Refugees and Religion"
Workshops, conferences 2018
- Start: Dec 14, 2017
- End: Dec 15, 2017
- Location: Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 13, Stijlkamer
For more details please contact vdvoffice(at)mmg.mpg.de.
Thursday 14 December 2017
09.30 Introduction
10.00 Peter van der Veer:
Refugees, Religion and the Nation
10.45 Elizabeth McAlister:
Religion, Refugees and National Security in the “Failed State” of Haiti
11.45 Alexander Kenneth-Nagel:
Hegemonial Neutrality: How German Refugee Reception Centers Deal with Religious Diversity and Practice
13.30 Carmen Becker:
Materiality and Spatiality in the Process of Becoming a “Refugee”
14.15 Abdoulaye Sounaye:
Ritual Space and Religious Practice in Refugee Situation: Young West Africans in Berlin, Germany
15.15 Miriam Schader:
Refugees, Religion and the Politics and Administration of Death
16.00 Johara Barriane:
Migration and Christian Place-making in Morocco: Reflections on the
Nexus between Religion and Mobility in a Muslim Urban Context
16.45 Lucien van Liere:
The Matter of War
Friday 15 December 2017
9.30 Janet Hoskins:
Refugees in the Land of Awes: Vietnamese Arrivals and Departures
10.15 Tam Ngo and Nga Mai:
Between Nations and Sanghas: Searching for a Vietnamese Buddhist Space in Berlin
11.45 Heleen Murre van der Berg:
The “Mor Ephrem Bookshop”: Language and Religion in the Transnational Syriac Orthodox Community
12.30 Annelise Reid:
Redemption and “Re-birth”: Trajectories of Inclusion among Persian Speaking Refugees in the Netherlands