"Transnational giving. Evolving paths of religion, community and citizenship in globally connected Asia"
Workshops, conferences 2019
- Start: Jun 13, 2019
- End: Jun 14, 2019
- Location: "Alte Mensa", Wilhelmsplatz 3, Göttingen
- Room: Hannah-Vogt-Saal

Convenors: Catherine Larouche, Sanam Roohi and Leilah Vevaina
Please email asiagiving2019(at)gmail.com if you would like to attend the workshop.
DAY 1: THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2019
9.30-10.00 Short Introduction
10.00-12.00 Panel 1: Sharing Wealth, Generating Community Capital, Chaired by Liza Wing Man Kam, MPI-MMG
- Chinese “public interest”: Social value and the emergent political, Wei N. Gan, Princeton University
- From danadharma to donations: Evolving meaning of giving and shaping of transnational Kamma subjectivities, Sanam Roohi, Max-Weber-Kolleg
- Giving and belonging: The religious networks of African migrants in a multi-ethnic Muslim community in China, Qiuyu Jiang, McGill University
Discussion (11.00-12.00) with Rupa Viswanath, CeMIS
12.00-13.00 Break
13.00-15.00 Panel 2: Modes of Giving and Value Creation, Chaired by Scott MacLochlainn, MPI-MMG
- Transmuted obligations: Gulf migration, givings and Muslim community in North Malabar, Mubashir Hameed, University of Hyderabad
- Trusts on the monsoon winds: Parsi transnational religious philanthropy, Leilah Vevaina, MPI-MMGCharity, welfare, and development in Sri Lanka: A history of the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society, Tom Widger, Durham University
Discussion (14.00-15.00) with Radhika Gupta, Leiden University
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-17.30 Panel 3: Moral Citizens: Giving and the Role of the State, Chaired by Jeremy Walton, MPI-MMG
- Inter-Asian transnational giving between Shikoku and Bagan: From memorializing one’s dead to more generalized philanthropy with peace and war reflections, Millie Creighton, University of British Columbia
- Indian overseas’ giving in Vietnam: The socialist state’s adjustment of cultural and social management, Chi P. Pham, Vietnam Institute of Literature (Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences)
- Transnational Islamic giving and the making of Kuwaiti citizens, Mara Leichtman, Michigan State University
Discussion (16.30-17.30) with Viola Thimm, University of Hamburg
DAY 2: FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2019
9:30-10.00 Short comment on logistics
Keynote: Daromir Rudnyckyj, University of Victoria: “Economy as Problem-Space: Ethnography for a Global Asia”
12.00-13.00 Break
13.00-15.00 Panel 4: Strategic Giving: Minorities, State, and Belonging, Chaired by Lisa Szepan, MPI-MMG
- “We will cope with all the problems ourselves”: Russian isolationism and Buddhist giving in Buryatia, Kristina Jonutytė, MPI for Social Anthropology / Vilnius University
- Development without the state? Muslim transnational giving networks and perceptions of welfare responsibilities in Uttar Pradesh, Catherine Larouche, University of Göttingen / University of Toronto
- Transformed through service: Changing reputation and belonging through Sikh Seva, Lauren Nippoldt, University of California, San Diego
Discussion (14.00-15.00) with Srirupa Roy, CeMIS
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-17.30 Discussion and Publication Plan