"(Mis)managing and (mis)understanding diversity in Macedonia"
Workshops, conferences 2010
- Date: Nov 22, 2010
- Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 12, Göttingen
- Room: Conference Room

For more details please contact esser(at)mmg.mpg.de.
- by invitation only -
The workshop will explore the past and present political arrangements and adjustments to the Macedonian multiethnic, multilinguistic, multifaith population. In many ways the Republic of Macedonia is a product of the dissolution of much larger and more complex political entities and still carries many features from the Ottoman and Yugoslav (first monarchic, later socialist) past. It is a society squeezed between the remnants of the pre-modern fuzzy and meshed identities, loyalties, allegiances and the requirements of modernity for neat, unambiguously defined communities, territories, concepts. From three different academic disciplines – sociology, anthropology and history – the speakers will tackle the difficult task of clarifying the disputed, denied, and challenged emergence of the Macedonan nation-state. How is diversity managed and understood today and what are the lessons of the Macedonian case for other complex societies? This question should serve as open invitation for fruitful discussion.