Sakura Yamamura: "Mobile professionals and their families: The making of transnational spaces in Tokyo from a male perspective"
- Date: Sep 7, 2021
- Time: 11:30 AM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Sakura Yamamura (MPI-MMG)
- Location: Zoom Meeting
- Host: DIJ Tokyo - Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Lecture Series: Gender and Sexuality in East Asia
“Mobile professionals and their families: The making of transnational spaces in Tokyo from a male perspective”
Conceiving mobile corporate professionals as part of the growing
transnational migrant population is a rather novel turn in migration
research. Likewise, research on their families – including their
trailing spouses and third culture kids – is an emerging field. Based on
interviews with 43 male transnational corporate professionals in Tokyo,
this lecture paper presents their take on the effects that their
marrying and starting a family had on their socio-spatial patterns
within the urban space. Whereas transnational professionals have been
mostly researched in their functions and practices as economic actors,
this study gives a new insight into their social and socio-spatial lives
from a personal and thus individual migrant’s perspective. Though
relatively uncommon to take the masculine view on family and gender
issues, the narratives of the working fathers and husbands still
constitute a non-negligible piece of the overall picture of
transnational families. Touching also upon issues of different patterns
of binational/-cultural marriages, I will discuss how the extent and
quality of transnational spaces transform over the life course.
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