Lecture "Migrations through Law, Bureaucracy and Kin: Navigating Citizenship in Relations"
- Date: Dec 12, 2022
- Time: 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient

This event launches the Special Issue of Citizenship Studies "Migrations through Law, Bureaucracy and Kin: Navigating Citizenship in Relations" (Vol. 26, No. 6). The editors and contributors will present the Special Issue and individual articles exploring the ways in which migrants (de-)kinning practices and their struggles of ‘doing family’ constitute navigations of citizenship.
Magdalena Suerbaum, University of Bielefeld
Sophie Richter-Devroe, Hamad bin Khalifa University
Veronica Ferreri, Ca’ Foscari University & Humboldt University
Hilal Alkan, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Discussant: Hania Sobhy, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Chair: Katrin Bromber (ZMO)
Please click here to read more.