Pushing back & nudging forward. Migration governance in Greece, Malta, and Cyprus in the context of the Common European Asylum System
- Start: Apr 28, 2023 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Apr 29, 2023 12:30 PM
- Location: Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin
- Host: The New Guards (Michalis Moutselos, University of Cyprus; Project Leader), Tihomir Sabchev (MPI-MMG) Steven Vertovec (Director, MPI-MMG)

In The New Guards we explore the emergence of Cyprus, Greece, and Malta as border states with common and divergent characteristics that play a growing role in the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). We do this over a series of workshops and parallel qualitative research in the three focus countries.
In our first workshop in Berlin, we bring together experts in national and EU migration governance to discuss the processes of re-bordering in the Southeast Mediterranean. The aim to establish a research network and co-create a research agenda that will navigate the future activities within the project (subsequent country-specific workshops, data collection, and publications). Our overall goal for the following four years is to advance the theoretical and empirical knowledge of re-bordering processes in what is, in our view, an understudied region.
Organizing committee:
- Michalis Moutselos (University of Cyprus; Project Leader)
- Tihomir Sabchev (Max Planck Institute, Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow)
- Steven Vertovec (Director, Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)
Participants (by invitation only):
- Cetta Mainwaring (University of Edinburgh)
- Daniela DeBono (University of Malta)
- Carla Camilleri (aditus Foundation)
- Dia Anagnostou (European Research Council)
- Angeliki Dimitriadi (ENA Institute)
- Minos Mouzourakis (Refugee Support Aegean)
- Nicos Trimikliniotis (University of Nicosia)
- Athanasia Hadjigeorgiou (UCLan Cyprus)
- Nicoletta Charalambidou (KISA-Action for Equality, Support, Anti-racism)
- Marcus Engler (DeZIM-Institut)
- Mariana Gkliati (Tilburg University)