Encounters Project International Meeting
Workshops, conferences 2023
- Start: Jun 5, 2023
- End: Jun 7, 2023
- Location: Strasbourg

The Encounters Project meeting in Strasbourg is taking place between 5-7th of June 2023. The Encounters project studies everyday interactions between Jews and Muslims in different urban contexts; aiming to restore these relations in their complexity and promoting dialogues with different actors of civil society. Strasbourg, one of the six cities in the scope of this project, will host international research team, bringing together multiple disciplines: sociology, anthropology, urban planning, and migration studies.
- by invitation only -
The researchers from France, Germany and UK will have the opportunity to share their expertise on the qualitative and quantitative data they have gathered to the date. It is a time when researchers will meet to discuss, compare, and present their progress and results corresponding with their fieldwork and academic research.
For more details please contact adomeit@mmg.mpg.de.