
"Deutsche Migrations‐ und Integrationspolitik im europäischen Vergleich"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Veranstalter: Arbeitskreis 'Migrationspolitik' in der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW) in Kooperation mit dem Max‐Planck‐Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften in Göttingen [more]

"Super-diversity, Wellbeing and Access to Healthcare - Developing a Research Agenda"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Workshop organized by the International Research Group on Superdiversity and Health (Max Planck Institute, Göttingen, Medical Diversity Programme). [more]

"Markets and diversity: cross cultural perspectives"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Workshop organized by Gertrud Hüwelmeier (Humboldt University Berlin) and Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG). [more]

"Workshop with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, & doctoral students"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Together with the Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto. [more]

"Medical diversity and its spaces"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Conference organized by Gabi Alex, Kristine Krause and David Parkin. Discussants: Henrike Donner and Michi Knecht. [more]

"Intergroup contact and the reduction of prejudice: From ‘hypothesis’ to ‘integrated theory’"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011
  • Date: Apr 27, 2011
  • Time: 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Miles Hewstone (Oxford)
  • Professor Miles Hewstone is Professor of Social Psychology and Fellow of New College, University of Oxford. He has previously held chairs in social psychology at the universities of Bristol, U.K., Mannheim, Germany, Cardiff, U.K. His current work centres on the reduction of intergroup conflict, via intergroup contact, stereotype change and crossed categorization. At MPI-MMG Prof. Hewstone is wor­king closely with the Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity on several pro­jects, including ‘Ethno-religious Dive rsity and Social Trust’, ‘Super-diversity in South Africa’ and ‘Diversity and Contact (DivCon)’.
  • Location: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen
  • Room: Library Hall

"Diversity and Contact. Interactions between Migrants and non-Migrants in Cities"

Workshops, conferences 2011

"Contextualizing inequalities. A critique of methodological nationalism in research on social inequality"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Religion & Communism: Comparative Perspectives"

Workshops, conferences 2011

"From state socialism to state Zionism: Former Soviet Jewish immigrants in the ethno-national mosaic of Israel"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Four Emblematic Figures in the Making of a 'New India' "

Tuesday Seminar Spring/Summer 2011
  • Date: May 17, 2011
  • Time: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Aninhalli Vasavi
  • Aninhalli Rame Vasavi is a Social Anthropologist with an interest in the areas of sociology of India, agrarian studies, sociology of education, and integrated studies. She has engaged in field-based research over the past decade and a half.
  • Location: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 12, Göttingen
  • Room: Conference Room

"Does the EU help to promote diversity? The anti-discrimination directives and their implementation"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Superscription without Encompassment: Predicament of Turning Gwer Sa La Festival into Intangible Cultural Heritage"

Tuesday Seminar Spring/Summer 2011

"Is there an 'Indian' Urbanism?"

Tuesday Seminar Spring/Summer 2011

"Families, intergenerational transmission, transnational links: Interactions between Turkey and Germany"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Horizontal inequalities and conflict: Understanding group violence in multiethnic societies"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Liberal democracies and the challenge of accommodating diversity – a transatlantic perspective"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Comparing Conviviality. Dreams and Realities of Living-with-Difference"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Veranstalter: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Mercator und dem Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften (MPI-MMG) [more]

"Institutionalising Intersectionality? Reflections on the British Experience"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Ethnologie der Migration im deutschsprachigen Raum"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Workshop organized by Boris Nieswand (MPI-MMG). [more]

"Civic stratification and the cosmopolitan ideal: the case of asylum and welfare in Britain"

Institute Colloquium Series "Difference and (In)Equalities" Spring/Summer 2011

"Urban Aspirations in Shanghai"

Summer School 2011
Organized by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity & Shanghai University. [more]

"Transcendence and Control in a Global Mega City"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Sponsored by PUKAR, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity and Tata Institute of Social Science. [more]

"Transnational religion, Missionization, and refugee Migrants in Comparative perspective"

Workshops, conferences 2011
Organized by Alexander Horstmann and Jin-heon Jung. [more]

"Universalist Faiths and Particularist Identities: Islam, Socialism and Minzu in Eastern Xinjiang"

Institute Colloquium Series "Intersections of Religion and Ethnicity" Winter 2011/12

"Interethnic contact in urban spaces: investigating Austrian and German neighborhoods"

Workshops, conferences 2011
A joint workshop of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI-MMG) and the Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. [more]

"Turkey, the Islamic Peril, and Cultural Politics of European Union Membership"

Institute Colloquium Series "Intersections of Religion and Ethnicity" Winter 2011/12

"Multiple Belonging and the Challenges of Biographical Navigation"

Institute Colloquium Series "Intersections of Religion and Ethnicity" Winter 2011/12

"Religion and Ethnicity in the Social Structure of the Caribbean"

Institute Colloquium Series "Intersections of Religion and Ethnicity" Winter 2011/12
  • Date: Dec 8, 2011
  • Time: 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Colin Clarke (University of Oxford)
  • Professor Colin Clarke is an Emeritus Professor at Oxford University and an Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. He has taught at the Universities of Toronto and Liverpool, where he was, until 1981, Reader in Geography and Latin American Studies. He has carried out numerous field investigations in Mexico and the Caribbean and published 12 books and more than 100 research papers and chapters.
  • Location: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen
  • Room: Library Hall
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