Dr. Marie-Eve Loiselle, 2020
Curriculum Vitae
Marie-Eve joined the MPI-MMG as a postdoctoral fellow in January 2020. With the department of Ethics, Law and Politics her research project aims to identify challenges arising from the expanding use by the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR) of biometric technologies for the identification of refugees and the provision of aid. Her research will document and analyze the legal and normative consequences of the new technologies for the agency and other stakeholders involved in the collection and management of the data, including refugees. Prior to joining the MPI-MMG, Marie-Eve completed her PhD at the Australian National University (ANU), where she explored the role of legal discourse in the construction of a wall at the border between the United States and Mexico.
Marie-Eve was an Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Fellow at the Faculty of Law of the University of New South Wales, where she worked on the project, “Leveraging Power and Influence on the UN Security Council”. She also worked on issues related to the UN Security Council as a Research Officer on the ARC linkage project, “Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council”, at the ANU. Marie-Eve worked at international organizations (ILO, NATO) on issues related to international law and human rights. She completed a Bachelor of Law at the University of Montreal. In November 2020, she took over a position as SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow an der Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and works also as the coordinator of the R.F. Harney Program Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism, University of Toronto.