Dr. Petra Molnar
Curriculum Vitae
Petra Molnar is a lawyer and researcher specializing in migration, technology, and human rights. She is the Acting Director of the International Human Rights Program at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and splits her time between in Toronto, Canada and Brussels, Belgium. Petra is currently working on a project studying the human rights impacts of AI and automated technologies on migration control with EDRi (European Digital Rights). She has worked on forced migration and refugee issues since 2008 as a settlement worker, researcher, and lawyer and holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Toronto and an LL.M. specializing in International Law from the University of Cambridge. Petra regularly shares her work domestically and internationally and works on technology and migration, immigration detention, gender-based violence, and the politics of refugee, immigration, and international law.
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Stay at MPI-MMG:
March - May 2020