Sabine Mohamed, 2018-2021
Curriculum Vitae
Sabine Mohamed is now at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Sabine recently completed
her doctoral work with the Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity
and received her Ph.D in Anthropology from the University of Heidelberg (summa cum laude,
2021). She has joined the Department of Anthropology at the
University of Illinois at Chicago as a "Bridge to Faculty” Postdoctoral
Research Fellow in the Fall of 2021. She holds an M.A. (2014) in Political Science,
Anthropology, and Islamic Studies from the University
of Heidelberg. She has been a Research Fellow
at the Institute for Ethiopian Studies at the Addis Ababa University, and was also supported by the Heidelberg
Graduate Academy, the Academy of African Urban Diversities, and
the Society for Social Studies of Science. Prior to joining the Max Planck Institute, she worked
at the International Department of the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung in Switzerland. She was also
a Research Assistant in connection with a study of violence and discrimination
against LGBTQ* people of color in Germany at the Alice-Salomon-Hochschule in
Berlin. Her dissertation and current book project, Losing Ground: Emergent Black Empire and Counter-Futures in Urban
Ethiopia, ethnographically
explores how categories of blackness
and race, as well as experiences of urban and national dispossession, are
attached to an infrastructure of emergent empire in East Africa.