Lisa Szepan

Curriculum Vitae

Lisa Szepan was a guest from February 2022 until December 2024. She was a Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity and member of the research group “Cities and the Challenge of Diversity: A Study in Germany and France”. She studied cultural anthropology and political science in Göttingen and Vienna with a special interest in tourism and migration research, social inequality and critical development studies, as well as the field of digital anthropology. In her master thesis, she analyzed practices and discourses of innovation in charities focusing on the magdas Hotel in Vienna, where the Caritas employs mainly refugees, referring to Muhammad Yunus’ concept of a “social business”. While studying, Lisa worked in governmental and non-governmental organizations (e.g., NETZ Bangladesh), as a Student Assistant at the Max Planck Institute, and as her Institute’s contact person for the reconciliation of family and university life. After completing her studies, she interned in an agency for trend- and management-consultancy.

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