Curriculum Vitae

Nicolas Fliess is a postdoctoral researcher at the MPI-MMG. He supports the Diversity Assent in Urban Germany (DivA) project and conducts research on the inclusion of migrants in German political parties. Nicolas holds a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex and is a research affiliate of the ERC-funded MIGRADEMO project at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). His research interests are political participation and inclusion of migrants with a focus on political parties, elections and civil society organisations. In his doctoral dissertation, Nicolas studied the political transnational activities of Latin American emigrants and political parties in Spain. Methodologically, he employs both quantitative and qualitative methods commonly used in political sociology.

Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich (LMU), visiting research fellow at the Institute of Governance and Public Policy at the UAB, and the Department of Political Science and Public Law at the UAB. He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the UAB, and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Mannheim.

Research projects


Journal Articles

Fliess, N., Kiani, A., and Østergaard-Nielsen, E. (2024). Why do autocracies enfranchise their citizens abroad? A large-N event history analysis, 1990–2010. Democratization, 1-25.

Fliess, N. (2021). Campaigning across continents: How Latin American parties link up with migrant associations abroad. Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1), 20.

Contributions to a Collected Edition

Fliess, N., and Østergaard-Nielsen, E. (2021). Extension of Voting Rights to Emigrants. In S. Maisel (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Oxford University Press.
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