Maike Isaac, 2023-2024
Curriculum Vitae
Maike Isaac was a Writing Fellow in the research group “Ageing in a Time of Mobility” led by Dr. Megha Amrith. She is a PhD candidate at the Department of Sociology at McGill University in Canada. In her PhD project she examines ethnographically how refugee men become elder care workers in Germany and how gender, race, and religion intersect and manifest themselves in this process. Prior to her PhD studies, Maike held positions in equal opportunity offices at universities in the United States and in Germany. She obtained a bachelor’s degree from the University of Leipzig in ethnology and a master’s degree in international human rights and humanitarian law from European University Viadrina.
Journal Articles
Isaac, M., & Elrick, J. (2021). How COVID-19 may alleviate the multiple marginalization of racialized migrant workers. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(5), 851–863.
Isaac, M. (2019). Book Review: Sarah Neal, Katy Bennett, Allen Cochrane and Giles Mohan, „Lived Experiences of Multiculture: The New Social and Spatial Relations of Diversity“. Sociology, 53(6), 1196–1197.
Isaac, M., & Jurasz, O. (2018). Towards an Intersectional Understanding of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity at the ICTY. International Criminal Law Review, 18(5), 853–882.