Dr. Feriha Nazda Saygı
Curriculum Vitae
Feriha Nazda Saygı was a scholar in residence at the institute. Nazda is currently affiliated with Bahçeşehir University, Center of Migration and Urban Studies (BAUMUS, Istanbul) as a postdoctoral researcher. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments from Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. She was an FFVT Fellow (Forced Migration and Refugee Studies) at Osnabrück University - Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), Germany, between January-April 2023. Her main research interests lie in the nexus of migration, refugee and urban studies covering socio-cultural/ethnic diversity, socio-spatial outcomes of forced migration (i.e., integration, emplacement, place-making), location choices and settlement patterns of migrants/refugees, social inequality, exclusion and ethnic residential segregation.
Eraydın, A., Demirdaǧ, I., Güngördü, F. N., & Yenigün, Ö. Y. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Dealing with Urban Diversity – The Case of Istanbul. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences.
Journal Articles
[without peer review] Güngördü, F. N. (2022). Etkin Bir Göç Yönetimi için Saha Çalışmaları Yapılmalı [The Importance of Field Studies for Effective Migration Management]. Republican People’s Party (CHP), Weekly Bulletin, pp. 4–5.
Haliloğlu Kahraman, Z. E., & Güngördü, F. N. (2022). Understanding the local dynamics of Syrian refugee integration through the eyes of refugees and local residents: The case of the Ȍnder Neighbourhood, Ankara. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 22(2), 305–328. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683857.2021.2013683
Güngördü, F. N., & Kahraman, Z. E. (2021). Investigating Syrian Refugees’ Choice of Location in Urban Areas as a Subjective Process: A Cross-case Comparison in the Neighbourhoods of Önder (Ankara) and Yunusemre (İzmir). International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 10(2), 387–412. https://doi.org/10.1386/ijia_00049_1
Orhan, E., Kahraman, Z. E., & Güngördü, N. (2020). Building a Framework for Analysing the Quality of Life at Neighbourhood Level: An Empirical Case from Ankara. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 25(1), 63–82. https://doi.org/10.21315/jcdc2020.25.1.4
[without peer review] Güngördü, F. N., & Kahraman, E. (2018). Local Public Participation Process Before Urban Renewal Applications: The case of Yıldızevler Neighborhood, Ankara. Proceedings of the ISUEP 2018 International Symposium on Urbanization and Environmental Problems: Transition/Transformation/Authenticity. Presented at the International Symposium on Urbanization and Environmental Problems, Eskişehir. Eskişehir: Anadolu University.
Güngördü, F. N. (2018). Processes and Factors of Social Exclusion in Arrival Cities: Attitudes towards Syrians under Temporary Protection in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul. GRID - Architecture, Planning and Design Journal, 1(2), 177–198. https://doi.org/10.37246/grid.405125
[without peer review] Güngördü, F. N., & Eraydın, A. (2014). 2008 Finansal Krizinin ve Kemer Sıkma Politikalarının Avrupa Birliği’ndeki Göç ve Göç Politikalarına Etkisi [The Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis and Austerity Policies on Migration and Migration Policies in the European Union]. Proceedings of the KBAM 5th Urban and Regional Research, Ankara. Presented at the KBAM 5th Urban and Regional Research, Ankara. Ankara.
Contributions to a Collected Edition
Güngördü, F. N. (2023). Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Yer Seçimleri ve Hareketlilik Örüntüleri Üzerine Çok-Ölçekli Bir Değerlendirme: Nedenler, Aktörler ve Sonuçlar. [A Multiscalar Assessment on the Location Choices and Mobility Patterns of Syrians in Turkey: Causes, Actors and Consequences]. In S. Savran-Penpecioğlu & A. Demirkol (Eds.), Dış Göçün Odağında Türkiye Kentleri: Kuram, Uygulama ve Mekanın Değişimi. Ankara: Idealkent Publishing.
Güngördü, F. N. (2019). Küresel Göç Hareketlerinin Kültürel, Sosyo-Ekonomik Ve Mekansal Etkilerini Yerel Ölçekten Okumak: Bir planlama sorunu olarak Suriyeli mülteci krizi [Evaluating the Cultural, Socio-Economic and Spatial Impacts of Global Migration Movements from the Local Scale: The Syrian Refugee Crisis as a Planning Problem]. In M. Göç (Ed.), Göç, Mekan, Siyaset: Toplumsal – Mekansal Hareketlilikler ve Planlama. Ankara: TMMOB Chamber of City Planners.
[without peer review] Güngördü, F. N., & Bayırbağ, M. K. (2019). Policy and Planning in the Age of Mobilities: Refugees and Urban Planning in Turkey. In N. Uzun, B. Özdemir-Sarı, & S. Özdemir (Eds.), Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey (pp. 185–211). Cham: Springer International Publishing.