Dr. Raymund Vitorio, 2023
Curriculum Vitae
Raymund Vitorio was a scholar in residence at the Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity. Raymund is an Associate Professor at De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines. He is a sociolinguist whose research has focused on understanding the relationship between language, mobility, and identity in the context of citizenship, tourism, and political discourse in Southeast Asia. He received his joint PhD in Language Studies from the National University of Singapore and King’s College London in 2019. His thesis, which incorporated linguistic ethnographic, corpus linguistic, and discourse analytic methods, explored how the notion of citizenship is discursively constructed in Singapore and examined how new citizens reconfigure the notion of citizenship to claim status as legitimate and good citizens of Singapore. He also holds an MA in Language Studies from the National University of Singapore, and a BA in English Studies from the University of the Philippines Diliman.
His publications have appeared in top sociolinguistic journals, such as Language in Society, Multilingua, Social Semiotics, Sociolinguistic Studies, and the Journal of Multicultural Discourses, and in compilations published by Channel View Publications and the Oxford University Press. A special issue he is co-editing will be published in Multilingua in 2023. During his visit at MPI, he will be preparing a monograph proposal based on his PhD thesis and conducting a pilot study/preliminary data gathering for the project “Multilingual Trajectories, Affective Regimes, and Precarious Positionalities: A Linguistic Ethnographic Investigation of Filipino Au Pairs in Germany.”