Dr. Charlotte Hawkins, 2023-2024

Curriculum Vitae

Charlotte Hawkins was 2024 a Writing Fellow in the research group “Ageing in a Time of Mobility” led by Dr. Megha Amrith. She is an anthropologist working on ageing and care under changing socioeconomic conditions. Her PhD was part of the ‘Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing’ project based at University College London, for which she conducted ethnographic research with older people living and working in a diverse neighbourhood in Kampala, Uganda. She has since held a postdoctoral research fellowship at the London School of Economics as part of the EU Horizon-2020 funded PERISCOPE project on the socioeconomic consequences of Covid-19 across Europe and the UK. Her research draws from moral, digital, economic and health anthropology to consider the reconfiguration of care responsibilities across distances, and along gendered and intergenerational lines. She is particularly interested in using collaborative ethnography to understand health concepts and inequalities, and to inform related policy and service provision. She will spend her fellowship at Max Planck as part of the ‘Ageing in a Time of Mobility’ research group writing articles alongside her forthcoming doctoral monograph, ‘Ageing with Smartphones in Uganda: Togetherness in the Dotcom Age’.

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