Dr. Katharina Schmid, 2007-2009
Curriculum Vitae
Katharina Schmid is an Associate Professor in Organizational Behaviour in the Department of People Management and Organization in ESADE, Ramon Llull University, Spain. Before joining ESADE, Katharina held a position as research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Social Diversity and as post-doctoral research associate at the University of Oxford. She completed her PhD in Social Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast. Her research interests lie broadly in the areas of ethnic and religious diversity, intergroup contact and intergroup relations, with a particular interest in social identity and multiple categorization processes (particularly social identity complexity).
Together with Susanne Wessendorf she was working on a multi-method project examining the relationship between social identity processes, intergroup contact and attitudes in a ‘super-diverse’ neighbourhood in London. And she was involved in the ‘Divcon’ project at MPI-MMG.
Research projects:
- Diversity and contact (‘DivCon’) (completed)
Diversity and social identity complexity (completed) (with Miles Hewstone (both University of Oxford))