Dr. Stefan Schlegel, 2016-2018
Curriculum Vitae
Stefan Schlegel studied law in Zurich (CH) and Lyon (France) with specializations in Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law, and International Law. He worked as a research assistant with Prof. Walter Kälin at the University of Berne, where Stefan wrote his Ph.D. on the topic of immigration law in the economic analysis of law, describing the right to decide over someone’s migration as a property right. Stefan is a co-founder of the young Swiss Think Tank “foraus – Forum Aussenpolitik” (www.foraus.ch), a former member of its executive board and formerly responsible for its migration program. In 2015, Stefan was a visiting Ph.D. Fellow at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. From 2016 on, Stefan was the ELP department’s inaugural Post-doctoral Fellow, and then served as its first Senior Research Fellow. His scholarly and institutional innovations have remained influential ever after his departure, in 2019, to the University of Bern as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Public Law.