Dr. Massimiliano Spotti
Curriculum Vitae
Massimiliano Spotti is a Post-doctoral Researcher at Babylon, Centre for Studies of the Multicultural Society, at Tilburg University (The Netherlands). He also holds the post of researcher within the Fi.Di.Pro (Finland Distinguished Professor) scheme at the Department of Languages, Jyvaskyla University (Finland). His work focuses theoretically and empirically on three areas: (1) identity construction of immigrant minority pupils in multicultural primary school classrooms (2) language testing, migration and citizenship and more recently (3) emerging normativities in social media. He is author and (co-) editor of Developing Identities (Aksant 2007), Language Testing, Migration and Citizenship: Cross National Perspectives on Integration Regimes (Continuum 2009), Mother Tongue and Intercultural Valorisation: Europe and its Migrant Children (Franco Angeli, forthcoming). He serves as ordinary member for the UK Linguistic Ethnography Forum and is member of the platform ICT and ePractice for Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion run by Eurodynamics (Information Society and Media DG).