Yolande Pottie-Sherman
Curriculum Vitae
Yolande Pottie-Sherman received her BA from McGill University in geography and political science in 2006 and her MA in geography from Queen’s University in 2008. Her doctoral research examines the role of public marketplaces as spaces of exchange in plural societies, focusing on the Chinese night market phenomenon in Metro Vancouver. Vancouver’s two night markets, one in the downtown historic Chinatown and the other in the ‘new Chinatown’ of Richmond, are re-creations of a Chinese cultural form that has existed since the 9th century. These spaces are both economic and social, providing opportunities for entrepreneurs and serving as a significant evening social space, while implicated in Vancouver’s tourist economy and bound up in broader discourses of Chinatown, race, multiculturalism, public space, and the new cultural economy. Her research considers the significance of these spaces and the role they play in Vancouver’s Chinese, Asian, and broader communities.
At MPI-MMG Yolande was finalizing her PhD "Ethnic Food, Electronics, and engagement? Everyday multiculturalism and citizenship in the night markets of Vancouver".