Paul Scheibelhofer
Curriculum Vitae
Paul Scheiblhofer studied sociology in Vienna and Amsterdam, completed postgraduate studies in sociology at the Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS, Vienna) and began his dissertation at the Central European University (Department for Gender Studies) in Budapest. Over the last few years Paul Scheiblhofer has been involved in various research projects (including at Österr. Institut für Jugendforschung; Referat Genderforschung der Universität Wien; EU Fundamental Rights Agency – FRA; Österr. Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut - WIFO). He is a founding member of the research group [KriMi] Kritische Migrationsforschung (Critical Migration Research) and recently co-organized the panel “Confronting the Politics of Racialised Sexualities“ at the 17th World Congress of the International Sociological Association (ISA) in Göteborg, Schweden.