Prof. Michi Knecht (Bremen University)
Curriculum Vitae
Michi Knecht was a member of the Steering Committee of the Working Group Medical Diversity at the MPI. She is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of European Ethnology, Humboldt University at Berlin and a member of the executive board of the Collaboratory Social Anthropology and Life Sciences.
Currently she works as principal investigator in the comparative research project “Kinship as Representation of Social Order and Practice in the Context of Social and Technological Change”, in Istanbul and Berlin, which is part of the collaborative research cluster SFB 640, Representations of Changing Social Order Intertemporal and Intercultural Comparisons at the Humboldt University Berlin. Furthermore, she is a co-founder of the Research Network Economies of Reproduction.
Michi’s main areas of research and publication address reflexive medicalization, the anthropology of reproductive technologies, new kinship, economies of reproduction, Christian fundamentalist movements, and poverty.
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