Steffi Unsleber

Curriculum Vitae

Steffi Unsleber is a journalist within the journalist in residence program. She has been editor with the wochenende since 2013 and editor in the research department of the taz. In her project at the institute, she would like to explore how right-wing violence changes small towns and villages.

Since 2015, Steffi has done research in locations where there was a loud and powerful right-wing group. For example in Freital, Arnsdorf or Güstrow. She has dealt with people who experienced right-wing threats and violence and how this violence has affected their lives. In the course of her research, she repeatedly noticed that, as a rule, it was not a question of actually hurting these people. The aim was to frighten them and to make them leave the place or stop expressing themselves publicly. Right-wing violence serves as a "message" – they are “message crimes”.

During her stay at the MPI-MMG, Steffi Unsleber exchanged with researchers about how a village or city community and, as a result, a society changes through right-wing violence. What kind of protective mechanisms can a diverse society develop to prevent the right-wing extremist strategy from being successful: to create a mono-ethnic society without political opponents through message crimes?

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