A sustainable accommodation. A comparative study on interruption of pregnancy in Italy, Spain, and Mexico
Tania Pagotto- completed -
The research project investigates and compares the right of physicians to refuse to provide interruption of pregnancy on grounds of conscience and religion. The case-study covers three countries with a Catholic majority or a historical Catholic influence: Italy, Spain, and Mexico.
The conceptual scenario is located along two main lines. The first one is the need to pursue and maintain pluralism within modern societies; the second one is the obligation to guarantee access to lawful medical care as a public service.
The project is divided into three main sections. The first section investigates how conscientious objection is construed in each legal order. The second section observes how conscientious objection to interruption of pregnancy, in particular, is framed and describes how the objection movement affects implementation of the laws. The third and final section proposes some corrections, in light of the construction of a sustainable accommodation of the right to conscientious objection.