Prof. Dr. Peter van der Veer - Publications

Book (9)

van der Veer, P.: Zongjiao minzu zhuyi—yindu jiaotu yu musilin zai yindu. Minzu chubanshe, Beijing (2020)
van der Veer, P.: The value of comparison. Duke University Press, Durham (2016)
van der Veer, P.: 亚洲的精神性. 印度与中国的灵性与世俗 (yazhou de jingshenxing. yindu yu zhongguo de lingxing yu shisu) = The modern spirit of Asia: The spiritual and the secular in China and India. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Beijing (2016)
van der Veer, P.: The modern spirit of Asia: The spiritual and the secular in China and India. Princeton University Press, Princeton (2013), 296 pp.
van der Veer, P.: Islam en het "beschaafde" Westen: essays over de "achterlijkheid" van religies. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam (2002)
van der Veer, P.: Imperial encounters. Religion and modernity in India and Britain. Princeton University Press, Princeton (2001)
van der Veer, P.: Modern oriëntalisme. Essays over de westerse beschavingsdrang. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam (1995)
van der Veer, P.: Religious nationalism: Hindus and muslims in India. University of California Press, Berkeley (1994)
van der Veer, P.: Gods on earth: the management of religious experience and identity in a North Indian pilgrimage centre. The Athlone Press, London (1988)

Collected Edition (12)

Collected Edition
Meyer, B.; van der Veer, P. (Eds.): Refugees and religion: Ethnographic studies of global trajectories. Bloomsbury, London (2021), 352 pp.
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.: The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia. Palgrave Macmilllan, Cham (2019), xvii, 325 pp.
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Prayer and politics. Routledge, London (2017), x, 133 pp.
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Handbook of religion and the Asian city: Aspiration and urbanization in the twenty-first century. University of California Press, California (2015), 488 pp.
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.; Smyer Yu, D.; Miller, J. (Eds.): Religion and ecological sustainability in China. Routledge, London (2014), 248 pp.
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.; Munshi, S. (Eds.): Media, war, and terrorism. Responses from the Middle East and Asia. Routledge, London (2004)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.; Lehmann, H. (Eds.): Nation and religion. Perspectives on Europe and Asia. Princeton University Press, Princeton (1999)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Conversion to modernities. The globalization of christianity. Routledge, New York (1996)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Nation and migration: the politics of space in the South Asian diaspora. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (1995)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.; Breckenridge, C. (Eds.): Orientalism and the postcolonial predicament. Perspectives on South Asia. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (1993)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.; Kooiman, D.; van den Muijzenberg, O. (Eds.): Conversion, competition, and conflict: essays on the role of religion in Asia. Free University Press, Amsterdam (1984)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P.; van Wetering, I.; van Gelder, P. (Eds.): Bonoeman, Rasta's en andere Surinamers (Bonoeman, Rastas and other Surinamese - on the religion of Surinamese immigrants in the Netherlands). AWIC, Amsterdam (1984)

Issue (6)

Goossaert , V.; van der Veer, P. (Eds.): Réguler les pluralités religieuses: Mondes indiens et chinois comparés (Special issue). Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 193 (2021), 251 pp.
Jung, J.-H.; van der Veer, P. (Eds.): Urban aspirations in Seoul (Special issue). Journal of Korean Religions 7, (2) (2016)
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Prayer and Politics (Special issue). Journal of Religious and Political Practice 2, (1) (2016)
van der Veer, P.; Goh, D. (Eds.): The sacred and the urban in Asia (Special issue). International Sociology 31, (4) (2016)
van der Veer, P.; Goh, D. P. S.; Bunnell, T. (Eds.): Doing Asian cities (Special issue). Ethnography 16, (3) (2015)
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Religious networks in Asia and beyond (Special issue). Encounters 4 (2011)

Journal Article (67)

Journal Article
Goossaert, V.; van der Veer, P.: Introduction. Archives de sciences sociales des religions 193, pp. 11 - 24 (2021)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Minority rights and Hindu nationalism in India. Asian Journal of Law and Society (2021)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: What transcends the nation? Asian Ethnology 80 (1), pp. 19 - 30 (2021)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Vanishing worlds. Anthropology of this century October 2018 (23) (2018)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Resisting general models: Response to comments on van der Veer, Peter. 2016. The value of comparison. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (1), pp. 533 - 536 (2017)
Journal Article
Jung, J.-H.; van der Veer, P.: Urban aspirations in Seoul: Guest editors’ introduction. Journal of Korean Religions 7 (2), pp. 5 - 9 (2016)
Journal Article
Introduction to special issue: Prayer and Politics. Journal of Religious and Political Practice 2 (1), pp. 1 - 5 (2016)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The Future of Utopia. History and Anthropology 27 (3), pp. 251 - 262 (2016)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.; Goh, D.: Introduction: The sacred and the urban in Asia. International Sociology 31 (4), pp. 367 - 374 (2016)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The bitter pleasures of tea and opium. Cultural Diversity in China 1 (1), pp. 1 - 7 (2015)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Nation, politics, religion. Journal of Religious and Political Practice 1 (1), pp. 7 - 21 (2015)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Introduction to the Modern Spirit of Asia /《亚洲的现代灵性》之 导论. Cultural Diversity in China 1 (2), pp. 115 - 140 (2015)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.; Goh, D. P. S.; Bunnell, T.: Introduction: Doing Asian cities. Ethnography 16 (3), pp. 287 - 294 (2015)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Unterwegs: Die Anthropologie als holistitsche Erkundung fremder Lebenswelten. Georgia Augusta: Wissenschaftsmagazin der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 2014 (9), pp. 100 - 111 (2014)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Mission Statement Responses. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 33 (2), pp. 156 - 158 (2013)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Smash temples, burn books: comparing secularist projects in India and China. The world religious cultures 73 (Spring), pp. 17 - 26 (2012)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Spirituality in modern society = 现代社会中的灵性. N.W. ethno-national studies = Xibei-minzu-yanjiu 72 (Spring), pp. 115 - 124 (2012)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Religion, secularism and national development in India and China. Third world quarterly 33 (4), pp. 719 - 732 (2012)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Market and Money: a critique of rational choice theory. Social compass 59 (2), pp. 183 - 193 (2012)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Introduction. Encounters 4, pp. 9 - 15 (2011)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Spirit. Material religion 7 (1), pp. 124 - 130 (2011)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: 包容多样:以比较促进宗教间和谐 = Compassion as a way of enhancing harmony. 中国民族报 宗教周刊论坛 = Weekly Forum on Religion, China Minzu News 6, - (2011)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: 9.11之后:世界更加需要尊重伊斯兰教 = After 9 11: the world needs more respect for Islam. 中国民族报 = China’s Nationality News 07, - (2011)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Body and Mind in Qi Gong and Yoga. A Comparative Perspective on India and China. Eranos Yearbook 69, pp. 128 - 141 (2010)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Spirituality: East and West. Eranos Yearbook 69, pp. 45 - 61 (2010)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The value of comparison. The Newsletter 54, p. 19 (2010)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The comparative sociology of India and China. Social Anthropology 17 (1), pp. 90 - 108 (2009)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Spirituality in Modern Society. Social Research 76 (4), pp. 1 - 24 (2009)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Global breathing: religious utopias in India and China. Anthropological Theory 7 (3), pp. 315 - 328 (2007)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The imperial encounter with Asian religions. Radical History Review 2007 (99), pp. 253 - 261 (2007)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: South Asian Islam in Britain. Ethnicities 4 (1), pp. 135 - 146 (2004)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Religious radicalism in South Asia. South Asian Journal (Quarterly Magazine of South Asian Journalists and Scholars) 2, pp. 1 - 5 (2003)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Religion in South Asia. Annual Review of Anthropology 31, pp. 173 - 187 (2002)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Cosmopolitan options. Etnografica VI (1), pp. 15 - 26 (2002)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Transnational religion: Hindu and Muslim movements. Global Networks 2 (2), pp. 95 - 109 (2002)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Nederland en de Islam. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 28 (4), pp. 513 - 524 (2001)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Hindus: a superior race. Nations and nationalism 5 (3), pp. 419 - 430 (1999)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The global history of “modernity”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 41 (3), pp. 285 - 294 (1998)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Religion, secularity and tolerance. Eastern Anthropologist 50 (3-4), pp. 381 - 395 (1998)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Cultural politics and the state. Cultural Dynamics 10 (3), pp. 281 - 287 (1998)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.; Bach, S.: L'État moral: religion, nation et Empire dans la Grande-Bretagne victorienne et l'Inde britannique. Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire 26, pp. 77 - 102 (1997)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Religion and mass politics in India. Journal of International Affairs 50 (1), pp. 254 - 277 (1996)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The modernity of religion. Social history 20 (3), pp. 365 - 371 (1995)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The secular production of religion. Etnofoor 8 (2), pp. 5 - 14 (1995)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: No nations, but classes. Public Culture 6 (1), pp. 77 - 82 (1993)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Een echte Indier is hindoe. Theoretische Geschiedenis 20 (4), pp. 402 - 413 (1992)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Ayodhya and Somnath: eternal shrines, contested histores. Social Research 59 (1), pp. 85 - 109 (1992)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Invited view: body and gender in Hindu and Muslim nationalist discourse. Committee on Women in Asian Studies Newsletter 10 (2), pp. 2 - 4 (1992)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Playing or praying: a Sufi saint's day in Surat. Journal of Asian Studies 51 (3), pp. 545 - 564 (1992)
Journal Article
Vertovec, S.; van der Veer, P.: Brahmanism abroad: on Caribbean Hinduism as an ethnic religion. Ethnology 30, pp. 149 - 166 (1991)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The power of detachment: disciplines of body and mind in the Ramanandi order. American Ethnologist 16 (3), pp. 40 - 52 (1989)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: The power of detachment: disciplines of body and mind in the Ramanandi order. American Ethnologist 16 (3), pp. 458 - 470 (1989)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Satanic or angelic? The politics of religious and literary inspiration. Public Culture 2 (1), pp. 100 - 105 (1989)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: ‘Echte’ en ‘onechte’ Brahmanen: de effecten van het Britse kaste-bewustzijn. Sociologische Gids XXXV (2), pp. 199 - 280 (1988)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Frits Staal in de provincie. Hollands Maandblad 30, pp. 16 - 25 (1988)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: 'God must be liberated!' A Hindu liberation movement in Ayodhya. Modern Asian Studies 21 (2), pp. 283 - 301 (1987)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: De illusie van een oude beschaving. Sociologisch Tijdschrift 14 (1), pp. 62 - 83 (1987)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Communalisme en nationalisme in Zuid-Azie. Internationale Spectator 41 (11), pp. 570 - 578 (1987)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Taming the ascetic: devotionalism in a Hindu monastic order. Man 22 (4), pp. 680 - 695 (1987)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.; Dissel, C.: Antropologie en de feministische ontwikkelingssociologie. Sociologische Gids XXXIV (4), pp. 296 - 308 (1987)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.; van der Burg, C.: Pandits, power and profit: religious organization and the construction of identity among Surinamese Hindus. Ethnic and Racial Studies 9 (4), pp. 514 - 528 (1986)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Brahmans: their purity and their poverty on the changing values of Brahman priests in Ayodhya. Contributions to Indian Sociology 19 (2), pp. 303 - 321 (1985)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Religie en politiek: de Khalistan-beweging onder de Indiase Sikhs. Internationale Spectator XXX (1), pp. 43 - 48 (1983)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Ideologie en verandering. Antropologische Verkenningen 1, pp. 105 - 121 (1982)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Naakt geweld en zoete devotie. De veranderende machtskansen van de Ramanandis in Noord-India. Antropologische Verkenningen 2, pp. 59 - 84 (1982)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Karnen voor onsterfelijkheid. Structuur en interpretatie van een mythe. Forum der Letteren 21 (3), pp. 196 - 204 (1980)
Journal Article
van der Veer, P.: Reizen naar reinheid en verlossing. Pelgrimage in India. Intermediair 16 (41), pp. 37 - 43 (1980)

Magazine Article (2)

Magazine Article
van der Veer, P.; Dean, K.: Tempel, Rituale und die Transformation transnationaler Netzwerke in Südostasien. (2017)
Magazine Article
van der Veer, P.: Städtische Religion in Mumbai und Singapur. (2010)

Book Review (17)

Book Review
van der Veer, P.: Review essay: Fundamentalism and the secular state. Contributions to Indian Sociology 32 (2), pp. 551 - 557 (1998)
Book Review
van der Veer, P.: Review of Thomas Trautmann, “Aryans and British India”. Journal of Asian Studies 57 (1), pp. 266 - 268 (1998)
Book Review
van der Veer, P.: Review of Katy Gardner, “Global migrants, local lives: travel and transformation in rural Bangladesh”. American Ethnologist 24 (1), p. 257 (1997)
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