Ala Alhourani (University of the Western Cape)
Karel Arnaut (KU Leuven)
Heike Becker (University of the Western Cape)
Jan Blommaert (Tilburg University)
Ralph Borland (University of Cape Town)
Rosabelle Boswell (Rhodes University)
Robin Cohen (University of Oxford)
Owen Crankshaw (University of Cape Town)
Ana Deumert (University of Cape Town)
Ismail Farouk (University of Cape Town)
Iriann Freemantle (University of the Witwatersrand)
Kim Gurney (University of Cape Town)
Miles Hewstone (University of Oxford)
Dmitri Garcia A. Jegels (University of the Western Cape)
Peter Kankonde Bukasa (MPI-MMG, Göttingen)
Catherine Kell (University of the Western Cape)
Loren Landau (University of the Witwatersrand)
Mbong Magdaline Mai (University of the Western Cape)
Raji Matshedisho (MPI-MMG, Göttingen)
Lorena Núñez (University of the Witwatersrand)
Amiena Peck (University of the Western Cape)
Edgar Pieterse (University of Cape Town)
Gordon Pirie (University of Cape Town)
Rike Sitas (University of Cape Town)
Melissa Steyn (University of the Witwatersrand)
Christopher Stroud (University of the Western Cape)
Hermann Swart (Stellenbosch University)
Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG, Göttingen)
Darshan Vigneswaran (University of Amsterdam)
Alex Wafer (MPI-MMG, Göttingen)
Kim Wale (University of Johannesburg)
Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon (University of the Witwatersrand)
Quentin E. Williams (University of the Western Cape)