Unrecognized multiculturalism from below-Macedonian realities (completed)
Goran Janev
The dominant ethnonationalist discourse in Macedonia and across South East Europe often seeks to deny the region's long-standing condition of diversity. The most influential factor in the contemporary Macedonian society is the state with its institutions that are in turn under direct control of the ethnonationalist political parties. The effects are obvious, with almost every possible organized form of association, communication, education, music, sports and leisure being segregated. The resultant, top-down creation of parallel societies neglects many traditional aspects of positive interaction in neighbourhoods, markets, and the private sphere of everyday life. However, many habituated modes of inter-ethnic civility among Macedonian citizens tend to prevent an uncritical acceptance of politically-driven ethnonationalist divisions.
This research project unravels the social processes that have led to this institutionalised segregation, but more importantly to record and analyse the reactions to it -- ranging from endorsement, passive acceptance, modification, rejection, resistance, or more. The project research employs ethnographic methods and a diachronic approach toward policy development and modes of civility that regulate everyday interactions in Macedonia.