Institutions and Organizations
Encounters and Representations
Flows, Dynamics and Urban Space
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Institutions and Organizations
Belonging on a continuum: legal status journeys and social membership (Ulrike Bialas)
Education, inequality and social class in the Middle East and North Africa (Hania Sobhy)
Forever 17: Coming of Age in the German Asylum System (Ulrike Bialas)
Parteien und die Repräsentation gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt: Migranten und Migrantinnen in Parteivorständen in Deutschland (Nicolas Fliess, Karen Schönwälder)
Political institutions and the challenge of diversity (Karen Schönwälder, Alex Street (now Caroll College, U.S.A.), Michalis Moutselos (now University of Cyprus, Nikosia) and Nicolas Fliess • Former staff members: Cihan Sinanoglu (DeZIM), Daniel Volkert)
Teacher trajectories, diversity and collective action (Hania Sobhy)
ZOMiDi · Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und die Herausforderungen von Migration und Diversität: Agents of Change. Teilprojekt "Behinderung/sexuelle Minderheiten" (Karen Schönwälder, Vanessa Rau, Sanja Bökle, in Kcooperation mit Helen Baykara-Krumme [jetzt Universität Duisburg-Essen])
Encounters and Representations
Becoming Jewish Berlin-style (Vanessa Rau)
Being and Becoming Black – self-(re)presentation and embodiment and the (hidden) diversity of African migrants and refugees in German cities (Johanna M. Lukate)
Climate displacement and diversification: changing patterns of migration and peri-urban settlement (Jamila Hamidu, Fidelis Udo)
DivA · Diversity assent in urban Germany (Karen Schönwälder, Lucas Drouhot, Nicolas Fliess, Eloisa Harris and Steven Vertovec, in cooperation with Sören Petermann (Ruhr University Bochum)
Diversity and the afterlives of welcome in Italian mountain towns (Elisa Lanari)
Love in times of superdiversity - negotiating difference and diversity in intimacy and sexuality (Vanessa Rau)
Preservation of Ukrainian identity among female-refugees in Germany during the war 2022 (Yuliya Byelikova)
Wie deuten Migrant:innen in Deutschland ökonomische Ungleichheit? (Margherita Cusmano)
Flows, Dynamics and Urban Space
Foreign entrepreneurs in Tokyo's and Singapore's knowledge-intensive start-up sector (Helena Hof)
The new guards: Re-bordering the Southeast Mediterranean in an age of migration (Michalis Moutselos, Tihomir Sabchev, Steven Vertovec)
The road ahead is paved with wireless networks: refugees, mobile technology, and adaptation in Germany (Jessica Rosenfeld)
Super-diversity (Steven Vertovec)
The accommodation of religious diversity in Spanish public institutions (completed) (Julia Martínez-Ariño)
The Ashgate companion to cosmopolitanism (abgeschlossen) (Magdalena Nowicka, Maria Rovisco (York St. John University))
Asylbewerber*innen zwischen Unterbringung und Integration: institutionelle Anordnungen im Vergleich (abgeschlossen) (Susanne Becker, Simona Pagano, Miriam Schader, Steven Vertovec, Shahd Seethaler-Wari)
Backlash against multiculturalism? European discourses, policies and practices (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec, Susanne Wessendorf)
Becoming Zega: queer subjectivities in public space in Ethiopia (abgeschlossen) (Serawit B. Debele)
Building charitable authority: welfare organizations in heterogeneous urban settings (abgeschlossen) (Lisa Szepan)
The business of integration: super-diversity, migrants' religious entrepreneurship and social transformation in post-apartheid South Africa (abgeschlossen) (Peter Kankonde Bukasa)
The challenges of migration, integration, and exclusion (WiMi - Wissenschaftsinitiative Migration und Integration) (abgeschlossen) (Susanne Becker, Annett Fleischer, Simona Pagano, Miriam Schader, Steven Vertovec, Shahd Seethaler-Wari, Magdalena Suerbaum)
Child health and migrant parents in Southeast Asia (abgeschlossen) (Theodora Choy Lam Fong)
CityDiv · Städte und die Herausforderungen der Diversität (abgeschlossen) (Projektleiterin: Karen Schönwälder • Forscher*innen: Christine Lang, Lisa Szepan)
Civil society organizations and the politics of diversity in German and French cities (abgeschliossen) (Christine Lang)
Cohabitation and convivencia. Comparing conviviality in Casamance and Catalonia (abgeschlossen) (Tilmann Heil)
Comparing planning interventions in culturally diverse cities of global immigration (abgeschlossen) (Felicity Hwee-Hwa Chan)
Competitive elections and ethnic identification in Africa (abgeschlossen) (Elena Gadjanova)
CompleXities: transformative urban ideas from the (rest of the) world (abgeschlossen) (Tau Tavengwa)
Conditions of conviviality and conflict (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec, Andreas Wimmer (University of California Los Angeles), Stefan Lindemann)
Courting non-coethnics: campaign strategies in Africa’s highly diverse states (abgeschlossen) (Elena Gadjanova)
Crises and diversification (abgeschlossen) (Gabi Alex, Kristine Krause, David Parkin)
The DATARAMA: advancing immersive data visualization for the Social Sciences (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec, Alexei Matveev, Norbert Winnige, Tau Tavengwa • Former staff member: Jonathan Portelli)
Deaf-hearing gestural interaction in Mumbai: an ethnography of communication (abgeschlossen) (Annelies Kusters)
The dilemma of the bridge-builders: local councilors with migration background (abgeschlossen) (Cihan Sinanoğlu)
The diversification of postwar migration (abgeschlossen) (Alan Gamlen, Steven Vertovec, Norbert Winnige)
Diversity and contact (‘DivCon’) (abgeschlossen) (Projektleitung: Karen Schönwälder • Forscher*innen: Steven Vertovec, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann, Thomas Schmitt, Mijal Gandelsman-Trier, Christian Jacobs, Miles Hewstone and Katharina Schmid (both Oxford), Dietlind Stolle (McGill))
Diversity and integration in Frankfurt (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec • Regina Römhild (Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München), Amt für multikulturelle Angelegenheiten (Frankfurt)
Diversity and public administration (abgeschlossen) (Boris Nieswand)
Diversity and social identity complexity (abgeschlossen) (Katharina Schmid und Miles Hewstone (beide University of Oxford))
Diversity governance: how local state and non-state actors interact to respond to migration (abgeschlossen) (Maria Schiller)
Diversity in translation: community organizing and questions of the commons in the UK (abgeschlossen) (Farhan Samanani)
Emerging epicenters of global urbanization: Asia and Africa (abgeschlossen) (AbdouMaliq Simone, with the African Centre for Cities, the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, the Hyderabad Urban Lab and the Rujak Center for Urban Studies)
Enacting European citizenship (abgeschlossen) Acts of Citizenship and the Expansion of the Political: Performative Politics by excluded groups in Germany and Hungary (Ayse Caglar • Prem Kumar Rajaram (Central European University))
Engaging inequalities: how interactions between recent ‘refugees’ with established Iranians reflect social changes in Germany (abgeschlossen) (Sonja Moghaddari)
Entrepreneurial superdiversity and intersectionality (Sakura Yamamura)
Ethnicity in German society (abgeschlossen) (Karen Schönwälder)
Ethno-religious diversity and social trust (abgeschlossen) (Miles Hewstone (University of Oxford), Anthony Heath (University of Oxford), Ceri Peach (University of Oxford), Sarah Spencer (University of Oxford), Steven Vertovec)
The EU Migrant Generation in Asia. Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities (abgeschlossen) (Helena Hof)
Folk medicine in South India: representations of diverse identities in medical encounters (abgeschlossen) (Gabriele Alex)
Forms of urban collective life in the global South (abgeschlossen) (AbdouMaliq Simone)
Global cities / open cities? Segregation in the global South (abgeschlossen) (Darshan Vigneswaran)
GlobaldiverCities (‘GloDiv’) - Migration and new diversities in global cities: comparatively conceiving, observing and visualizing diversification in urban public spaces (abgeschlossen) (Project leader: Steven Vertovec • Researchers: Sofya Aptekar, Anna Cieslik, Beate Engelbrecht, Dörte Ulka Engelkes, Laavanya Kathiravelu, Raji Matshedisho, Alexei Matveev, Anna Seegers-Krückeberg, Alex Wafer, Junjia Ye, Abbas Yousefpour)
Globalization, urban re-invention, and migrants (abgeschlossen) (Ayse Caglar)
Hollowing-out ascriptive person categories: the concept of ‘employability’ (abgeschlossen) (Christine Weinbach)
Home-making in diversity: social and spatial encounters with difference in a migration hub in Istanbul (abgeschlossen) (Kristen Biehl)
Housing policy and mobilization in the French suburbs (abgeschlossen) (Michalis Moutselos)
How generations remember: an ethnographic study of post-war Mostar, Bosnia and Herzigovina (abgeschlossen) (Monika Palmberger)
How to live with each other: an Anthropologist's notes on sharing a divided world (abgeschlossen) (Farhan Samanani)
Imaginaries of opportunity: precarious mobilities in and out of conflict in East and Central Africa (abgeschlossen) (Léonie Newhouse)
Immigrant inclusion: structural, relational, and cultural dimensions across generations (completed) (Lucas Drouhot)
Immigrants in German city councils (abgeschlossen) (Project leader: Karen Schönwälder • Researchers: Cihan Sinanoglu, Daniel Volkert, Chris Kofri)
Immigrants in German politics: local elections and local parliaments in Northrhine-Westfalia (abgeschlossen) (Christiane Kofri, Karen Schönwälder)
Immigration and political socialization (completed) (Alex Street, Michael Jones-Correa (University of Pennsylvania), Chris Zepeda-Millán (Loyola Marymount University))
Individual migration in West Africa (abgeschlossen) (Michael Stasik)
Inhabiting urban corridors (abgeschlossen) (AbdouMaliq Simone)
International policing, mobility and crime in Southern Africa (abgeschlossen) (Darshan Vigneswaran)
Intersecting spaces of superdiversity (abgeschlossen) (Sakura Yamamura)
Intersectional advocacy: civil society organizations in times of singularization & diversification (abgeschlossen) (Sanja Bökle)
In the place of all, black empire and Addis Ababa as cosmos (abgeschlossen) (Sabine Mohamed)
Language factories: Cape Town, Kinshasa, Abidjan, Brussels (completed) (Karel Arnaut)
Linguistic diversity and asylum (abgeschlossen) (Susanne Becker)
Lived citizenship and uprising in the Middle East (abgeschlossen) (Hania Sobhy)
Local transformations and asylum-seeker reception (abgeschlossen) (Miriam Schader)
Logistification of migration: corridors of circulation, bordering, and rebellion (abgeschlossen) (Somayeh Chitchian)
Masculinities and displacement in the Middle East: Syrian refugees in Egypt (completed) (Magdalena Suerbaum)
Metoikos (abgeschlossen) (Anna Triandafyllidou (European University Institute, Florence), Ayse Caglar)
Migrants' interaction with the formal and informal state in the Russian Federation (abgeschlossen) (Paul Becker)
Migration (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec)
Migration and diversity (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec)
Migration and forced labour in Southern Africa (abgeschlossen) (Darshan Vigneswaran)
Migration and new religious diversities in South Africa (completed) (Peter Kankonde (MPI-MMG and ACMS, University of the Witwatersrand), Lorena Nunez (Wits University), Melekias Zulu (ACMS, University of the Witwatersrand))
“Modernization” of Shia Islam (abgeschlossen) (Akif Tahiiev)
Multiculturalism (abgeschlossen) (Gerd Baumann (University of Amsterdam), Steven Vertovec)
Multiculturalism in Shi’ism: diversity of ethnic and religious identities among European Shias (abgeschlossen) (Akif Tahiiev)
The occupation of space, hierarchy, and intersectionality in Mumbai's suburban trains (abgeschlossen) (Annelies Kusters)
Older migrants in Vienna: aging and social relations (abgeschlossen) (Monika Palmberger)
Picturing social encounters: visual research on diversity in public spaces (abgeschlossen) (Anna Seegers-Krückeberg)
Planning diversity: the influence of city planning on spatial structures of diversity and the cohabitation of diverse groups (abgeschlossen) (Christian Jacobs)
Political parties and diversity at the local level: a comparison between Berlin and Paris (abgeschlossen) (Daniel Volkert)
Post-multicultural cities and the politics of diversity (abgeschlossen) (Maria Schiller)
The production of diversity in municipal administrations: change and persistence of organizations in increasingly diverse societie (abgeschlossen) (Christine Lang)
Re-casting local laïcité: the local governance of religious diversity in France (abgeschlossen) (Julia Martínez-Ariño)
(Re-)production and imagination of urban social space by Pentecostal immigrants in South Africa: a narrative ethnography (abgeschlossen) (Tinashe Chimbidzikai)
Rhetoric of crisis: German municipalities’ response to the refugee influx (abgeschlossen) (Annett Fleischer)
Roma and health care: a case study of reproductive health and cultural difference in Madrid (abgeschlossen) (Beatriz Martín Aragón)
The social implications of legal statuses and determination processes among recent asylum seekers in Germany (completed) (Magdalena Suerbaum)
Social relations in super-diverse London (abgeschlossen) (Susanne Wessendorf)
Socialising with diversity. Numerical Smallness, Social Networks and the Super-Diverse City (abgeschlossen) (Fran Meissner)
Socio-cultural diversity and political issue deliberation in northern Ghana (abgeschlossen) (Elena Gadjanova)
Super-diversity, South Africa (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec, Robin Cohen and various colleagues at the Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Johannesburg, and Witwatersrand)
Superdiversity and pathways to health care (abgeschlossen) (Charlie Davison (Essex), Gill Green (Essex), Hannah Bradby (Warwick), Susann Huschke (Berlin), Gabi Alex (Tübingen), Kristine Krause, Felipe Morente Mejías (Jaén), Inmaculada Barroso Benítez (Jaén))
Super-diversity, urbanization and mobile communication technologies in Africa’s cities (abgeschlossen) (Naluwembe Binaisa)
Tensions of diversity: living and planning in globalizing urban spaces (abgeschlossen) (Felicity Hwee-Hwa Chan)
Theorising transnational migration. The status paradox of migration (abgeschlossen) (Boris Nieswand)
The transformative capacity of commemorating violent pasts (abgeschlossen) (Claire Whitlinger)
Transnationalism (abgeschlossen) (Steven Vertovec)
Transnational community life: living apart, celebrating together, expanding social networks (abgeschlossen) (Beate Engelbrecht)
Transnational migrant ties: social formation and reproduction among Armenians in Germany (completed) (Astghik Chaloyan)
Transnational spaces in the Global City Tokyo (abgeschlossen) (Sakura Yamamura)
Understanding the public-private spectrum of space in asylum-seekers’ accommodation facilities (abgeschlossen) (Shahd Seethaler-Wari)
Unrecognized multiculturalism from below-Macedonian realities (abgeschlossen) (Goran Janev)
Urban governance networks and minority representation (completed) (Maria Schiller, Julia Martínez-Ariño, Michalis Moutselos, Karen Schönwälder · cooperating partner: Mireia Bolibar, Barcelona)
Urban populations and their social capital (abgeschlossen) (Sören Petermann)
Die Vielfalt der Bedürfnisse und Zukunftsvisionen von Geflüchteten (abgeschlossen) (Susanne Becker, Annett Fleischer, Miriam Schader, Steven Vertovec, Shahd Wari)
Voters and representatives: how does immigrant background matter? (abgeschlossen) (Karen Schönwälder, Alex Street)
Writing along the margins: literacy and agency in a West African city (abgeschlossen) (Karel Arnaut)