Alle aktuellen Projekte

Ageing and (im)mobility: gendered experiences of growing old in Tajikistan in the context of mass labor migration (Swetlana Torno)

Ageing in displacement: East Timorese diasporas in Indonesia (Victoria Kumala Sakti)

Becoming Jewish Berlin-style (Vanessa Rau)

Being and Becoming Black – self-(re)presentation and embodiment and the (hidden) diversity of African migrants and refugees in German cities (Johanna M. Lukate)

Belonging on a continuum: legal status journeys and social membership (Ulrike Bialas)

Chinese Christian community and network in Germany (Jie Kang)

Climate displacement and diversification: changing patterns of migration and peri-urban settlement (Jamila Hamidu, Fidelis Udo)

Constructing livelihoods: older Cameroonians in times of mobility (Nele Wolter) 

Converting Muslim – Missionary movement of Chinese Protestant House Church (Jie Kang)

DivA · Diversity assent in urban Germany (Karen Schönwälder, Lucas Drouhot, Nicolas Fliess, Eloisa Harris and Steven Vertovec, in cooperation with Sören Petermann (Ruhr University Bochum)

Diversity and the afterlives of welcome in Italian mountain towns (Elisa Lanari)

ENCOUNTERS · ORA Joint Research Project "Muslim-Jewish encounter, diversity & distance in urban Europe: Religion, culture and social model" (Project leaders: Ben Gidley (Overall project lead & UK, London city lead), Matthias Koenig (Joint Germany lead, Frankfurt city lead), Anne-Sophie Lamine (France lead, Strasbourg city lead), Steven Vertovec (Joint Germany lead, Berlin city lead)

Foreign entrepreneurs in Tokyo's and Singapore's knowledge-intensive start-up sector (Helena Hof)

Forever 17: Coming of Age in the German Asylum System (Ulrike Bialas)

Lived citizenship and uprising in the Middle East (Hania Sobhy)

Love in times of superdiversity - negotiating difference and diversity in intimacy and sexuality (Vanessa Rau)

The new guards: Re-bordering the Southeast Mediterranean in an age of migration (Michalis Moutselos, Tihomir Sabchev, Steven Vertovec)

Organizing African identities in Germany: movements, migrations, and public positioning in the diaspora (Madeline J. Bass)

Parteien und die Repräsentation gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt: Migranten und Migrantinnen in Parteivorständen in Deutschland (Nicolas Fliess, Karen Schönwälder)

Political institutions and the challenge of diversity (Karen Schönwälder, Alex Street (now Caroll College, U.S.A.), Michalis Moutselos (now University of Cyprus, Nikosia) and Nicolas Fliess • Former staff members: Cihan Sinanoglu (DeZIM), Daniel Volkert)

Preservation of Ukrainian identity among female-refugees in Germany during the war 2022 (Yuliya Byelikova)

Retiring from temporary lives: ageing migrant labor in Asia (Megha Amrith)

The road ahead is paved with wireless networks: refugees, mobile technology, and adaptation in Germany (Jessica Rosenfeld)

Super-diversity (Steven Vertovec)

Teacher trajectories, diversity and collective action (Hania Sobhy)

Wie deuten Migrant:innen in Deutschland ökonomische Ungleichheit? (Margherita Cusmano)

ZOMiDi · Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und die Herausforderungen von Migration und Diversität: Agents of Change. Teilprojekt "Behinderung/sexuelle Minderheiten" (Karen Schönwälder, Vanessa Rau, Sanja Bökle, in Kcooperation mit Helen Baykara-Krumme [jetzt Universität Duisburg-Essen]) 


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