Contribution to a Collected edition (536)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Gadjanova, E., Donnay, K., & Bhavnani, R. (2014). Disaggregating conflict by actors, time, and location. In D. A. Backer, J. Wilkenfeld, & P. K. Huth (Eds.), Peace and Conflict (pp. 44–56). Boulder: Paradigm Publisher. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Heil, T. (2014). Dealing with diversity and difference in public: Traces of Casamançais cohabitation in Catalonia? In S. Grodź & G. G. Smith (Eds.), Religion, Ethnicity and Transnational Migration between West Africa and Europe (pp. 98–122). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Heo, A. (2014). The divine touchability of dreams. In S. Promey (Ed.), Sensational religion: Sensory cultures in material practice (pp. 435–440). New Haven: Yale University Press. Retrieved from
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Heo, A. (2014). Racialized crossings: Coptic orthodoxy and global christianities. In M. H. Bassett & V. W. Lloyd (Eds.), Sainthood and race: Marked flesh, holy flesh (pp. 150–163). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Koenig, M. (2014). Ambivalenzen der Sakralisierung: Zur Durkheim-Rezeption in Hans Joas’ affirmativer Genealogie der Menschenrechte. In H.-J. Große-Kracht (Ed.), Der moderne Glaube an die Menschenwürde (pp. 113–128). Bielefeld: Transcript. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2014). Modernités multiples et mondialisation. In Postérités allemandes: Communication, transcendance, non-religion (pp. 127–145). Paris: Éditions de l'École de hautes études en sciences sociales. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2014). Minorités religieuses et droit international des droits de l'homme: Trajectoires historiques et dynamiques sociologiques. In D. Lacorne, J. Vaïsse, & J.-P. Willaime (Eds.), La Diplomatie au défi des religions: Tensions, guerres, médiations (pp. 241–255). Paris: Odile Jacob. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2014). The right to religious freedom: a modern pattern of differentiation and its development. In M.-C. Foblets, K. Alidadi, & J. S. Nielsen (Eds.), Belief, law and politics: What future for a secular Europe? (pp. 71–78). Farnham: Ashgate. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M., & Connor, P. (2014). Religion and the socio-economic integration of immigrants across Canada. In S. Lefebvre & L. G. Beaman (Eds.), Religion in the public sphere: Canadian case studies (pp. 293–312). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Retrieved from
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Krause, K. (2014). Die Bedeutung von Lokalität für die Teilhabe an multiplen Öffentlichkeiten in einer transnationalen Pfingstkirche. In C. Schmitt & A. Vonderau (Eds.), Transnationalität und Öffentlichkeit (pp. 143–167). Bielefeld: Transcript. Retrieved from
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Kusters, A. (2014). Deaf gain and shared signing communities. In J. Murray & H.-D. Baumann (Eds.), Deaf gain: Raising the stakes for human diversity (pp. 285–305). Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Retrieved from
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Lau, S. W., & Cao, N. (2014). Religion and mobility in a globalising Asia: An introduction. In S. W. Lau & N. Cao (Eds.), Religion and mobility in a globalising Asia: New ethnographic explorations (pp. 1–7). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Lau, S. W., & Cao, N. (2014). Mobility, christianity and belonging: Reflections of an overseas chinese expatriate wife in Shanghai. In S. W. Lau & N. Cao (Eds.), Religion and mobility in a globalising Asia: New ethnographic explorations (pp. 88–101). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Masoudi Nejad, R. (2014). Religious procession as a mediator for social intimacy: building communal harmony in Dharavi after the 1992 Mumbai riot. In K. Mathéy & S. Matuk (Eds.), Community-based urban violence prevention: Innovative approaches in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Arab Region (pp. 268–279). Bielefeld: Transcript. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nieswand, B. (2014). Über die Banalität ethnischer Differenzierungen. In B. Nieswand & H. Drotbohm (Eds.), Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration: Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung (pp. 271–295). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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Nieswand, B. (2014). Dezentrierungen: Das Statusparadox der Migration und die Transnationalisierung sozialer Ungleichheit. In M. Löw (Ed.), Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt: Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund 2012 (pp. 769–780). Frankfurt/Main: Campus. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nieswand, B., & Drotbohm, H. (2014). Einleitung: Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung. In B. Nieswand & H. Drotbohm (Eds.), Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration: Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung (pp. 1–37). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nowicka, M. (2014). Fremdwissen: Lokale und translokale Verortung von Wissen über Andere im Kontext der Migration. In D. Bender, A. Duscha, T. Hollstein, L. Huber, K. Klein-Zimmer, & C. Schmitt (Eds.), Orte transnationaler Wissensproduktionen (pp. 92–112). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nowicka, M. (2014). Erfolgsnarrationen polnischer Migrantinnen und Migranten in Großbritannien oder: Wie Scheitern unsichtbar wird. In R. John & A. Langhof (Eds.), Scheitern - Ein Desiderat der Moderne? (pp. 143–165). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Retrieved from
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Schönwälder, K. (2014). Politische Partizipation von Migrantinnen und Migranten. In E. Vanderheiden & C.-H. Mayer (Eds.), Handbuch Interkulturelle Öffnung (pp. 97–107). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Retrieved from
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Simone, A. M. (2014). Relational infrastructure in postcolonial urban worlds. In S. Graham & C. McFarlane (Eds.), Infrastructural lives: Urban infrastructure in context (pp. 17–38). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Simone, A. M. (2014). Too many things to do: Social dimensions of city-making in Africa. In M. Diouf & R. Fredericks (Eds.), The arts of citizenship in African cities: Infrastructures and spaces of belonging (pp. 25–47). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from
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Smyer Yu, D. (2014). Buddhist conversion in the contemporary world. In L. R. Rambo & C. Farhadian (Eds.), Oxford handbook of religious conversion (pp. 465–487). New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Smyer Yu, D. (2014). Earthwork, home-making and eco-aesthetics among Amdo Tibetans. In J. Miller, D. Smyer Yu, & P. van der Veer (Eds.), Religion and ecological sustainability in China (pp. 220–238). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Street, A., & Hansen, R. (2014). Immigration and integration. In S. Colvin (Ed.), Routledge handbook of german politics and culture (pp. 181–197). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Udupa, S., & Chakravartty, P. (2014). Changing with "The Times of India" (Bangalore): remaking a post-political media field. In A. Punathambekar & S. Kumar (Eds.), Television at large in South Asia (pp. 13–43). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P., Smyer Yu, D., & Miller, J. (2014). Introduction: The diversity of eco-religious practice in China. In P. van der Veer, D. Smyer Yu, & J. Miller (Eds.), Religion and ecological sustainability in China (pp. 1–16). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Wafer, A. (2014). Informality and the spaces of civil society in post-apartheid Johannesburg. In C. Death & C. Gabay (Eds.), Critical perspectives on African politics: Liberal interventions, state-building and civil society (pp. 129–146). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Yanasmayan, Z. (2014). Further stay or return? Insights from the highly educated Turkish migrants in Amsterdam, Barcelona and London. In L. Meier (Ed.), Migrant professionals in the city: Local encounters, identities and inequalities (pp. 21–39). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Arnaut, K. (2013). Making space for performativity: publics, powers, and places in a multi-register town festival (Bondoukou, Côte d’Ivoire). In B. Boute & T. Småberg (Eds.), Devising order: socio-religious models, rituals, and the performativity of practice (pp. 81–102). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2013). On multiplicity and performance: the complexities of Bedu mask dances in the Bondoukou region (Côte d’Ivoire). In A.-M. Bouttiaux (Ed.), La dynamique des masques en Afrique occidentale = The dynamics of masks in West Africa (pp. 141–170). Brussels: RMCA. Retrieved from
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Björkman, L. (2013). Becoming a slum: from municipal colony to illegal settlement in liberalization era Mumbai. In G. Shatkin (Ed.), Contesting the Indian City: Global Visions and the Politics of the Local (pp. 208–214). West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from,descCd-tableOfContents.html
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Burchardt, M. (2013). Belonging and success: religious vitality and the politics of urban space in Cape Town. In I. Becci, M. Burchardt, & J. Casanova (Eds.), Topographies of faith: religion in urban spaces (pp. 165–185). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Burchardt, M. (2013). Access to the social: the ethics and pragmatics of HIV/AIDS support groups in South Africa. In M. Schlecker & F. Fleischer (Eds.), Ethnographies of social support (pp. 59–80). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from
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Burchardt, M., & Becci, I. (2013). Introduction: religion takes place ; producing urban locality. In I. Becci, M. Burchardt, & J. Casanova (Eds.), Topographies of faith: religion in urban spaces (pp. 1–21). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Burchardt, M., & Wohlrab-Sahr, M. (2013). Über die kulturellen Bedeutungen religiös-säkularer Kontroversen in der Gegenwart. In G. Buß & M. Luber (Eds.), Neue Räume öffnen: Mission und Säkularisierung weltweit (pp. 33–55). Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet. Retrieved from
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Chan, F. H.-H. (2013). Spaces of negotiation and engagement in multi-ethnic ethnoscapes: the ‘Cambodian Town’ neighborhood in Central Long Beach, California. In J. Hou (Ed.), Transcultural cities: border-crossing and placemaking (pp. 149–163). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Cieslik, A. (2013). Transnational mobility and family building decisions: A case study of skilled Polish migrant women in the UK. In L. Oso & N. Ribas-Mateos (Eds.), The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism (pp. 453–470). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
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Futterlieb, K. (2013). Zwischen Führungskraft und Embedded Librarian: zur Rollenfindung im sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstitut. In K. Futterlieb & I. Vogel (Eds.), Neue Führungskräfte in Bibliotheken: Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis (pp. 203–214). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Retrieved from
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Futterlieb, K., & Vogel, I. (2013). Neue Führungskräfte in Bibliotheken: Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis. In K. Futterlieb & I. Vogel (Eds.), Neue Führungskräfte in Bibliotheken: Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis (pp. 13–18). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Retrieved from
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Gandhi, A. (2013). Porous boundaries: Hindu-Muslim demarcation and crossings in Delhi. In I. Becci, M. Burchardt, & J. Casanova (Eds.), Topographies of faith: religion in urban spaces (pp. 189–205). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Gupta, R. (2013). Allegiance and alienation: border dynamics in Kargil. In D. N. Gellner (Ed.), Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia (pp. 47–71). Durham: Duke University Press. Retrieved from
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Heo, A. (2013). Saints, media and minority cultures: On coptic cults of Egyptian revolution from Alexandria to Maspero. In A. Bandak & M. Bille (Eds.), Politics of Worship in the Contemporary Middle East: Sainthood in Fragile States (pp. 53–71). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Huang, W. (2013). Diversity and competition: Politics and conflicts in new immigrant communities. In W. Huang, R. Cimino, & N. A. Mian (Eds.), Ecologies of faith in New York City (pp. 105–119). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Retrieved from
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Huang, W. (2013). Religious pluralism and the politics of diversity. In I. Becci, M. Burchardt, & J. Casanova (Eds.), Topographies of faith: religion in urban spaces (pp. 129–148). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Huang, W., Cimino, R., & Mian, N. A. (2013). Introduction: The ecology of religious institutions in New York City. In W. Huang, R. Cimino, & N. A. Mian (Eds.), Ecologies of faith in New York City (pp. 1–22). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Retrieved from
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Hüttermann, J. (2013). Visuelle Selbstrepräsentation islamischer Identität in Deutschland: Konfliktanlässe und -kontexte im Wandel. In D. Lüddeckens, C. Uelinger, & R. Waltert (Eds.), Die Sichtbarkeit religiöser Identität (pp. 185–250). Zürich: Pano-Verlag. Retrieved from
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Palmberger, M., & Gingrich, A. (2013). Qualitative comparative practices: Dimensions, cases, and strategies. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of analyzing qualitative data (pp. 94–108). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from
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Schönwälder, K. (2013). Germany: Reluctant steps towards a system of selective immigration. In T. Triadafilopoulos (Ed.), Wanted and welcome? Policies for highly skilled immigrants in comparative perspective (pp. 273–286). Heidelberg: Springer. Retrieved from
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Shaery, R., & Cavatorta, F. (2013). The Internet and civil activism in Syria. In P. Aarts & F. Cavatorta (Eds.), Civil society in Syria and Iran: activism in authoritarian contexts (pp. 119–141). Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Retrieved from
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Smyer Yu, D., & van der Veer, P. (2013). Introduction: Diversity of belief systems and ecological practices in China = 中国信仰与生态实践的多元性. In D. Smyer Yu & S. Faxiang (Eds.), Religious diversity and ecological sustainability in China = 中国宗教多元与生态可持续性. Beijing: Minzu University Press. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2013). Religion and nationalism. In J. Breuilly (Ed.), Oxford handbook of the history of nationalism (pp. 655–671). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2013). Urban aspirations in Mumbai and Singapore. In I. Becci, M. Burchardt, & J. Casanova (Eds.), Topographies of faith: religion in urban spaces (pp. 61–72). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2013). Towards comparing South Asian diasporic phenomena. In K. L. Sharma & R. Singh (Eds.), Dual identity: Indian diaspora and other essays (pp. 76–91). New Delhi and Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2013). "Diversität" und die gesellschaftliche Vorstellungswelt. In J. Dahlvik, C. Reinprecht, & W. Sievers (Eds.), Migration und Integration - wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich: Jahrbuch 2/2013 (pp. 21–47). Wien: V&R unipress. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2013). ¿Hacia un post-multiculturalismo? Comunidades cambiantes, condiciones y contextos de diversidad. In A. Cruz-Manjarrez (Ed.), Multiculturalismo y minorías étnicas en las Américas (pp. 37–64). Colima: Universidad de Colima Press. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2013). A corrupt international society: How Britain was duped into its first Indian conquest. In J. Quirk, S. Suzuki, & Y. Zhang (Eds.), International orders in the early modern world: Before the rise of the West. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2013). The criminalization of human mobility: A case study of law enforcement in South Africa. In K. Franko Aas & M. Bosworth (Eds.), The borders of punishment: Migration, citizenship, and social exclusion (pp. 111–127). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Ye, J. (2013). Migrant landscapes: a spatial analysis of South Asian male migrants in Singapore. In E. L.-E. Ho, C. Y. Woon, & K. Ramdas (Eds.), Changing landscapes of Singapore (pp. 142–157). Singapore: NUS Press. Retrieved from
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Akan, M. (2012). Twin tolerations or siamese twins: Kemalist laicism and political Islam in Turkey. In D. Chalmers & S. Mainwaring (Eds.), Problems confronting contemporary democracies: essays in honor of Alfred Stepan (pp. 381–423). Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Retrieved from
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Aptekar, S. (2012). Immigration and customs enforcement. In P. Hayes (Ed.), The making of modern immigration: an encyclopedia of people and ideas (pp. 305–320). Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2012). Corps Habillés, Nouchis and Subaltern Bigmanity in Côte D'Ivoire. In M. Utas (Ed.), African conflicts and informal power: big men and networks (pp. 78–100). London: Zed Books. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K., & Gadou, D. (2012). Ivory Coast. In M. Juergensmeyer & W. C. Roof (Eds.), Encyclopedia of global religion (Vol. 1, pp. 605–606). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Retrieved from
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Gandhi, A. (2012). Informal moral economies and urban governance in India. In C. McFarlane & M. Waibel (Eds.), Urban Informalities (pp. 51–66). Farnham: Ashgate. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Koenig, M. (2012). Das Recht auf Religionsfreiheit – zur Entstehung eines neuzeitlichen Differenzierungsmusters. In K. Gabriel, C. Gärtner, & D. Pollack (Eds.), Umstrittene Säkularisierung: soziologische und historische Analysen zur Differenzierung von Religion und Politik (pp. 293–313). Berlin: Berlin University Press. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2012). Max Weber. In A. Pollmann & G. Lohmann (Eds.), Menschenrechte: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 57–59). Stuttgart: Metzler. Retrieved from
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Maud, J. (2012). Sacred tourism and the state: some paradoxes of cross-border religious patronage in Southern Thailand. In N. Hyndman-Rizik (Ed.), Pilgrimage in an age of globalisation (pp. 93–119). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from
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Maud, J. (2012). Fire and water: ritual innovation, tourism, and spontaneous religiosity in Hat Yai, Southern Thailand. In A. Horstmann & T. Reuter (Eds.), Faith in the future: understanding the revitalization of religions and cultural traditions in Asia (pp. 269–296). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Meissner, F., & Hasselberg, I. (2012). Forever malleable: the field as a reflexive encounter. In L. Hirvi & H. Snellman (Eds.), Where is the field?: The experience of migration viewed through the prism of ethnographic fieldwork (pp. 87–106). Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Retrieved from
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Petermann, S. (2012). Theorie, Operationalisierung und Daten individuellen sozialen Kapitals. In M. Hennig & C. Stegbauer (Eds.), Die Integration von Theorie und Methode in der Netzwerkforschung (pp. 95–115). Wiesbaden: Springer. Retrieved from
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Schmitt, T. M. (2012). Mosque debates as space-related, intercultural, and religious conflicts. In B. Becker-Cantarino (Ed.), Migration and religion: christian transatlantic missions, islamic migration to Germany (pp. 207–217). Amsterdam: Radopi. Retrieved from
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Schönwälder, K. (2012). Cautious steps: minority representation in Germany. In T. E. Givens & R. Maxwell (Eds.), Immigrant politics: race and representation in Western Europe (pp. 67–86). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publ. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schönwälder, K., Baykara-Krumme, H., Fromm, S., & Schmid, N. (2012). Ethnizität in der Zuwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland. In Forschungsverbund Sozioökonomische Berichterstattung (Ed.), Berichterstattung zur sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland - Teilhabe im Umbruch: zweiter Bericht (pp. 693–722). Wiesbaden: Springer. Retrieved from
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Shaery, R. (2012). Fixing and negotiating identities in the field: the case of Lebanese Shiites. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic fieldwork: an anthropological reader (2 ed., pp. 103–113). Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2012). Culture and religion. In M. R. Cobb, C. M. Puchlaski, & B. Rumbold (Eds.), Oxford textbook of spirituality in healthcare (pp. 169–176). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2012). Trends and impacts of migrant transnationalism. In A. K. Sahoo, M. Baas, & T. Faist (Eds.), Indian diaspora and transnationalism (pp. 48–106). Jaipur: Rawat. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2012). Experimental data collection methods and migration governance. In M. Berriane & H. de Haas (Eds.), African migrations research (pp. 133–172). Trenton: Africa World Press. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (2012). Human bondage in Africa: historical legacies and recent innovations. In D. Vigneswaran & J. Quirk (Eds.), Slavery, migration and contemporary bondage in Africa. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Arnaut, K. (2011). Baka Pygmies in Wallonia in 2002 and the “African Village” at Augsburg Zoo in 2005. In P. Blanchard, G. Boëtsch, & N. J. Snoep (Eds.), Exhibitions: l'invention du sauvage (p. 311). Arles: Actes Sud. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2011). The human zoo as (bad) intercultural performance. In P. Blanchard, G. Boëtsch, & N. J. Snoep (Eds.), Exhibitions: l'invention du sauvage (pp. 344–365). Arles: Actes Sud. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2011). The 'manifestation for the re-annexation of Belgium to Congo': reconfiguring (post)colonial space. In L. De Cauter, R. De Roo, & K. Vanhaesebrouck (Eds.), Art and activism in the age of globalization (pp. 130–139). Rotterdam: NAI Publication. Retrieved from
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Fisher, G. (2011). Morality books and the regrowth of lay Buddhism in China. In , A. Y. Chuet (Ed.), Religion in contemporary China: revitalization and innovation (pp. 53–80). London [u.a.]: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Fisher, G. (2011). Buddhism in China and Taiwan. In D. L. McMahan (Ed.), Buddhism in the modern world (pp. 69–88). London [u.a.]: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Gandhi, A. (2011). Crowds, congestion, conviviality: the enduring life of the old city. In , I. Clarke-Decès (Ed.), A companion to the anthropology of India (pp. 202–222). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from
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Huang, Y. (2011). Labour, leisure, gender and generation: the organisation of 'wan' and the notion of 'gender equality' in contemporary rural China. In T. Jacka & S. Sargeson (Eds.), Women, gender and development in rural China (pp. 49–70). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Retrieved from
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Matshedisho, R. (2011). Policing in the streets of South African townships. In D. Pillay, J. Daniel, P. Naidoo, & R. Southall (Eds.), New South African Review 2: New Paths, Old Compromises? (pp. 221–235). Johannesburg: Wits University Press. Retrieved from
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Nieswand, B. (2011). Der Migrations-Entwicklungs-Nexus in Afrika: Diskurswandel und Diasporaformation. In T. Baraulina & A. Kreienbrink (Eds.), Potenziale der Migration zwischen Afrika und Deutschland (pp. 400–425). Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Retrieved from
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Nowicka, M. (2011). Unsichtbare Arbeitskraft: Osteuropäerinnen in der deutschen Schattenwirtschaft. In Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM) (Ed.), Migration im Donauraum: willkommen in Europa? (pp. 23–24). Wien: IDM. Retrieved from
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Palmberger, M., & Kroner, G. (2011). Flüchtlinge. In A. Gingrich, E.-M. Knoll, & F. Kreff (Eds.), Lexikon der Globalisierung (pp. 85–86). Bielefeld: Transcript. Retrieved from
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Petermann, S. (2011). Internationale Zuwanderung und Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse: Kontakte von Deutschen mit Ausländern im siedlungsstrukturellen Kontext. In P. Gans & H. H. Nachtkamp (Eds.), Soziale Ungleichheit, Segregation und Integration (pp. 43–67). Mannheim: Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsgeographie der Univ. Mannheim. Retrieved from
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Quijada, J. B. (2011). Symptoms as signs in Buryat Shamanic callings. In D. Anderson (Ed.), The healing landscapes of central and southeastern Siberia. Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Circumpolar Institute (CCI). Retrieved from
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Schmitt, T. M. (2011). Moschee-Debatten als raumbezogene und interkulturelle Konflikte. In H. Popp (Ed.), Migration und Integration in Deutschland (pp. 145–153). Bayreuth: Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2011). Religion and education in a secular age: a comparative perspective. In , J. Zhe (Ed.), Religion, éducation et politique en Chine moderne = Religion, education and politics in modern China (Vol. 33, pp. 235–245). Saint Denis: Presses Univ. Vincennes. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2011). Secularisering. In P. Schnabel & P. Giesen (Eds.), Wat iedereen moet weten van de menswetenschappen: de Gammacanon (pp. 198–202). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
van der Veer, P. (2011). Smash temples, burn books: comparing secularist projects in India and China. In C. Calhoun & M. Juergensmeyer (Eds.), Rethinking Secularism (pp. 270–281). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Retrieved from;jsessionid=DB8543A201EC82621B4791A239FF5B1B?cc=de&lang=en&
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2011). Die Chimäre des Multikulturalismus. In S. Stemmler (Ed.), Multikultur 2.0: willkommen im Einwanderungsland Deutschland (pp. 72–76). Göttingen: Wallstein-Verl. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2011). Multiculturalism, culturalism and public incorporation. In R. Cohen & G. Jónsson (Eds.), Migration and Culture (pp. 351–371). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vigneswaran, D. (2011). Migration control, documentation, and state transformation. In A. Segatti (Ed.), Contemporary migration to South Africa: a regional development issue (pp. 105–120). Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vigneswaran, D. (2011). The transformation of sovereign territoriality: a case study of South African immigration control. In , S. Cornelissen, F. Cheru, & T. M. Shaw (Eds.), Africa and international relations in the 21st century. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from
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