Contribution to a Collected edition (14)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Amrith, M. (2023). Letting go and looking ahead: The aspirations of middle-aged migrant domestic workers in Singapore and Hong Kong. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations (pp. 39–55). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Amrith, M. (2023). Migrant eldercare workers. In S. Torres & A. Hunter (Eds.), Handbook on Migration and Ageing. (pp. 217–227). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Amrith, M., Sakti, V. K., & Sampaio, D. (2023). Introduction [Aspiring in later life]. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations (pp. 1–16). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Badenhoop, E. (2023). (Im)perfect control: The history of the German foreigners' registry. In C. Boswell & E. Chabal (Eds.), States of ignorance: governing irregular migrants in Western Europe (pp. 117–139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bass, M., Davis, C., Nedsreal, N., & Walendom, L. (2023). Why all the black women sit together on the U-Bahn. In S. Chatterjee & P.-H. Lee (Eds.), Plural Feminisms: Navigating Resistance as Everyday Praxis (pp. 59–74). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Boswell, C., & Badenhoop, E. (2023). Denial, elucidation or resignation? British and German state responses to unauthorised migrants. In C. Boswell & E. Chabal (Eds.), States of ignorance: governing irregular migrants in Western Europe (pp. 165–186). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Emmerich, A. (2023). Provincializing dialogue: Post-secular governance networks and the brokerage of religious diversity in a North German town 1. In J. W. Winkler, L. Haddad, & J. Martínez-Ariño (Eds.), Interreligious encounters in Europe: sites, materialities and practices (pp. 71–87). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Kang, J. (2023). Theological transformation and the changing role of women in the Chinese House Church. In C. Starr (Ed.), Modern Chinese Theologies. Volume 2: Independent and Indigenous (Vol. 2, pp. 49–68). Minneapolis: Fortress Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Peretz, D. (2023). Altneuland: A German colonial journal? In S. Marten-Finnis & M. Nagel (Eds.), On the transcultural nature of Jewish periodicals: interconnectivity and entanglements (pp. 197–206). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Rau, V., & Peretz, D. (2023). Zwischen Tradition und Freiheit. Religion, Säkularität und Religionsfreiheit aus jüdischer Perspektive. In V. Rau & M. Nicoubin (Eds.), Religionsverfassungsrecht revisited (pp. 211–226). Bonn: bbp Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Sakti, V. K. (2023). “It’s like a big family feud!” Researching social trauma and repair through the lens of emotion and culture. In T. Stodulka, A. von Poser, G. Scheidecker, & J. Bens (Eds.), Anthropologie der Emotionen: Affektive Dynamiken in Kultur und Gestellschaft (pp. 221–228). Berlin: Reimer. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Szepan, L. (2023). Making the "social business" work: Organizational identity as revolving stage. In M. May, S. Groth, & J. Müske (Eds.), Morality as organizational practice: Negotiating, performing, and navigating moral standards in contexts of work (pp. 125–136). Münster: Waxmann. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Tahiiev, A. (2023). Шиизм на постсоветском пространстве: влияние новых медиа / Shi’ism in the post-Soviet space: the influence of new media. In E. Muratova & Z. Khabibullina (Eds.), Виртуальный ислам на постсоветском пространстве: киберсреда и религиозные авторитеты / Virtual Islam in the post-Soviet space: cyber environment and religious authorities. (pp. 80–108). Baku: Idrak. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Wolter, N. (2023). Disrupted futures: The shifting aspirations of older Cameroonians living in displacement. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations (pp. 145–158). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Retrieved from
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