Contribution to a Collected edition (536)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Smyer Yu, D., & van der Veer, P. (2013). Introduction: Diversity of belief systems and ecological practices in China = 中国信仰与生态实践的多元性. In D. Smyer Yu & S. Faxiang (Eds.), Religious diversity and ecological sustainability in China = 中国宗教多元与生态可持续性. Beijing: Minzu University Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
van der Veer, P. (2013). Religion and nationalism. In J. Breuilly (Ed.), Oxford handbook of the history of nationalism (pp. 655–671). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2013). Urban aspirations in Mumbai and Singapore. In I. Becci, M. Burchardt, & J. Casanova (Eds.), Topographies of faith: religion in urban spaces (pp. 61–72). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2013). Towards comparing South Asian diasporic phenomena. In K. L. Sharma & R. Singh (Eds.), Dual identity: Indian diaspora and other essays (pp. 76–91). New Delhi and Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2013). "Diversität" und die gesellschaftliche Vorstellungswelt. In J. Dahlvik, C. Reinprecht, & W. Sievers (Eds.), Migration und Integration - wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich: Jahrbuch 2/2013 (pp. 21–47). Wien: V&R unipress. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2013). ¿Hacia un post-multiculturalismo? Comunidades cambiantes, condiciones y contextos de diversidad. In A. Cruz-Manjarrez (Ed.), Multiculturalismo y minorías étnicas en las Américas (pp. 37–64). Colima: Universidad de Colima Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vigneswaran, D. (2013). A corrupt international society: How Britain was duped into its first Indian conquest. In J. Quirk, S. Suzuki, & Y. Zhang (Eds.), International orders in the early modern world: Before the rise of the West. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vigneswaran, D. (2013). The criminalization of human mobility: A case study of law enforcement in South Africa. In K. Franko Aas & M. Bosworth (Eds.), The borders of punishment: Migration, citizenship, and social exclusion (pp. 111–127). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Ye, J. (2013). Migrant landscapes: a spatial analysis of South Asian male migrants in Singapore. In E. L.-E. Ho, C. Y. Woon, & K. Ramdas (Eds.), Changing landscapes of Singapore (pp. 142–157). Singapore: NUS Press. Retrieved from
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Akan, M. (2012). Twin tolerations or siamese twins: Kemalist laicism and political Islam in Turkey. In D. Chalmers & S. Mainwaring (Eds.), Problems confronting contemporary democracies: essays in honor of Alfred Stepan (pp. 381–423). Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Retrieved from
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Aptekar, S. (2012). Immigration and customs enforcement. In P. Hayes (Ed.), The making of modern immigration: an encyclopedia of people and ideas (pp. 305–320). Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2012). Corps Habillés, Nouchis and Subaltern Bigmanity in Côte D'Ivoire. In M. Utas (Ed.), African conflicts and informal power: big men and networks (pp. 78–100). London: Zed Books. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K., & Gadou, D. (2012). Ivory Coast. In M. Juergensmeyer & W. C. Roof (Eds.), Encyclopedia of global religion (Vol. 1, pp. 605–606). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Retrieved from
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Gandhi, A. (2012). Informal moral economies and urban governance in India. In C. McFarlane & M. Waibel (Eds.), Urban Informalities (pp. 51–66). Farnham: Ashgate. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2012). Das Recht auf Religionsfreiheit – zur Entstehung eines neuzeitlichen Differenzierungsmusters. In K. Gabriel, C. Gärtner, & D. Pollack (Eds.), Umstrittene Säkularisierung: soziologische und historische Analysen zur Differenzierung von Religion und Politik (pp. 293–313). Berlin: Berlin University Press. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2012). Max Weber. In A. Pollmann & G. Lohmann (Eds.), Menschenrechte: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 57–59). Stuttgart: Metzler. Retrieved from
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Maud, J. (2012). Sacred tourism and the state: some paradoxes of cross-border religious patronage in Southern Thailand. In N. Hyndman-Rizik (Ed.), Pilgrimage in an age of globalisation (pp. 93–119). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from
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Maud, J. (2012). Fire and water: ritual innovation, tourism, and spontaneous religiosity in Hat Yai, Southern Thailand. In A. Horstmann & T. Reuter (Eds.), Faith in the future: understanding the revitalization of religions and cultural traditions in Asia (pp. 269–296). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Meissner, F., & Hasselberg, I. (2012). Forever malleable: the field as a reflexive encounter. In L. Hirvi & H. Snellman (Eds.), Where is the field?: The experience of migration viewed through the prism of ethnographic fieldwork (pp. 87–106). Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Petermann, S. (2012). Theorie, Operationalisierung und Daten individuellen sozialen Kapitals. In M. Hennig & C. Stegbauer (Eds.), Die Integration von Theorie und Methode in der Netzwerkforschung (pp. 95–115). Wiesbaden: Springer. Retrieved from
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Schmitt, T. M. (2012). Mosque debates as space-related, intercultural, and religious conflicts. In B. Becker-Cantarino (Ed.), Migration and religion: christian transatlantic missions, islamic migration to Germany (pp. 207–217). Amsterdam: Radopi. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schönwälder, K. (2012). Cautious steps: minority representation in Germany. In T. E. Givens & R. Maxwell (Eds.), Immigrant politics: race and representation in Western Europe (pp. 67–86). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publ. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schönwälder, K., Baykara-Krumme, H., Fromm, S., & Schmid, N. (2012). Ethnizität in der Zuwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland. In Forschungsverbund Sozioökonomische Berichterstattung (Ed.), Berichterstattung zur sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland - Teilhabe im Umbruch: zweiter Bericht (pp. 693–722). Wiesbaden: Springer. Retrieved from
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Shaery, R. (2012). Fixing and negotiating identities in the field: the case of Lebanese Shiites. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic fieldwork: an anthropological reader (2 ed., pp. 103–113). Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
van der Veer, P. (2012). Culture and religion. In M. R. Cobb, C. M. Puchlaski, & B. Rumbold (Eds.), Oxford textbook of spirituality in healthcare (pp. 169–176). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2012). Trends and impacts of migrant transnationalism. In A. K. Sahoo, M. Baas, & T. Faist (Eds.), Indian diaspora and transnationalism (pp. 48–106). Jaipur: Rawat. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2012). Experimental data collection methods and migration governance. In M. Berriane & H. de Haas (Eds.), African migrations research (pp. 133–172). Trenton: Africa World Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (2012). Human bondage in Africa: historical legacies and recent innovations. In D. Vigneswaran & J. Quirk (Eds.), Slavery, migration and contemporary bondage in Africa. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Arnaut, K. (2011). Baka Pygmies in Wallonia in 2002 and the “African Village” at Augsburg Zoo in 2005. In P. Blanchard, G. Boëtsch, & N. J. Snoep (Eds.), Exhibitions: l'invention du sauvage (p. 311). Arles: Actes Sud. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2011). The human zoo as (bad) intercultural performance. In P. Blanchard, G. Boëtsch, & N. J. Snoep (Eds.), Exhibitions: l'invention du sauvage (pp. 344–365). Arles: Actes Sud. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K. (2011). The 'manifestation for the re-annexation of Belgium to Congo': reconfiguring (post)colonial space. In L. De Cauter, R. De Roo, & K. Vanhaesebrouck (Eds.), Art and activism in the age of globalization (pp. 130–139). Rotterdam: NAI Publication. Retrieved from
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Fisher, G. (2011). Morality books and the regrowth of lay Buddhism in China. In , A. Y. Chuet (Ed.), Religion in contemporary China: revitalization and innovation (pp. 53–80). London [u.a.]: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Fisher, G. (2011). Buddhism in China and Taiwan. In D. L. McMahan (Ed.), Buddhism in the modern world (pp. 69–88). London [u.a.]: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Gandhi, A. (2011). Crowds, congestion, conviviality: the enduring life of the old city. In , I. Clarke-Decès (Ed.), A companion to the anthropology of India (pp. 202–222). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from
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Huang, Y. (2011). Labour, leisure, gender and generation: the organisation of 'wan' and the notion of 'gender equality' in contemporary rural China. In T. Jacka & S. Sargeson (Eds.), Women, gender and development in rural China (pp. 49–70). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Retrieved from
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Matshedisho, R. (2011). Policing in the streets of South African townships. In D. Pillay, J. Daniel, P. Naidoo, & R. Southall (Eds.), New South African Review 2: New Paths, Old Compromises? (pp. 221–235). Johannesburg: Wits University Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nieswand, B. (2011). Der Migrations-Entwicklungs-Nexus in Afrika: Diskurswandel und Diasporaformation. In T. Baraulina & A. Kreienbrink (Eds.), Potenziale der Migration zwischen Afrika und Deutschland (pp. 400–425). Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Retrieved from
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Nowicka, M. (2011). Unsichtbare Arbeitskraft: Osteuropäerinnen in der deutschen Schattenwirtschaft. In Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM) (Ed.), Migration im Donauraum: willkommen in Europa? (pp. 23–24). Wien: IDM. Retrieved from
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Palmberger, M., & Kroner, G. (2011). Flüchtlinge. In A. Gingrich, E.-M. Knoll, & F. Kreff (Eds.), Lexikon der Globalisierung (pp. 85–86). Bielefeld: Transcript. Retrieved from
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Petermann, S. (2011). Internationale Zuwanderung und Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse: Kontakte von Deutschen mit Ausländern im siedlungsstrukturellen Kontext. In P. Gans & H. H. Nachtkamp (Eds.), Soziale Ungleichheit, Segregation und Integration (pp. 43–67). Mannheim: Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsgeographie der Univ. Mannheim. Retrieved from
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Quijada, J. B. (2011). Symptoms as signs in Buryat Shamanic callings. In D. Anderson (Ed.), The healing landscapes of central and southeastern Siberia. Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Circumpolar Institute (CCI). Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schmitt, T. M. (2011). Moschee-Debatten als raumbezogene und interkulturelle Konflikte. In H. Popp (Ed.), Migration und Integration in Deutschland (pp. 145–153). Bayreuth: Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
van der Veer, P. (2011). Religion and education in a secular age: a comparative perspective. In , J. Zhe (Ed.), Religion, éducation et politique en Chine moderne = Religion, education and politics in modern China (Vol. 33, pp. 235–245). Saint Denis: Presses Univ. Vincennes. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2011). Secularisering. In P. Schnabel & P. Giesen (Eds.), Wat iedereen moet weten van de menswetenschappen: de Gammacanon (pp. 198–202). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2011). Smash temples, burn books: comparing secularist projects in India and China. In C. Calhoun & M. Juergensmeyer (Eds.), Rethinking Secularism (pp. 270–281). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Retrieved from;jsessionid=DB8543A201EC82621B4791A239FF5B1B?cc=de&lang=en&
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2011). Die Chimäre des Multikulturalismus. In S. Stemmler (Ed.), Multikultur 2.0: willkommen im Einwanderungsland Deutschland (pp. 72–76). Göttingen: Wallstein-Verl. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2011). Multiculturalism, culturalism and public incorporation. In R. Cohen & G. Jónsson (Eds.), Migration and Culture (pp. 351–371). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2011). Migration control, documentation, and state transformation. In A. Segatti (Ed.), Contemporary migration to South Africa: a regional development issue (pp. 105–120). Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2011). The transformation of sovereign territoriality: a case study of South African immigration control. In , S. Cornelissen, F. Cheru, & T. M. Shaw (Eds.), Africa and international relations in the 21st century. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from
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Vigneswaran, D. (2011). Taking out the trash?: A ‘garbage can’ model of immigration policing. In Landau, Lauren B. (Ed.), Exorcising the demons within: xenophobia, violence and statecraft in contemporary South Africa (pp. 150–171). Johannesburg: Wits University Press. Retrieved from
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Wessendorf, S. (2011). Dimmi con chi vai..... Associazioni fra gruppi di pari e affermazione culturale fra gli immigrati italiani die seconda generazione in Svizzera. In M. Barbagli & C. Schmoll (Eds.), La generazione dopo (pp. 75–102). Bologna: Il Mulino. Retrieved from
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Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2010). Introduction: Migrants and Cities. In A. Caglar & N. Glick Schiller (Eds.), Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants (pp. 1–22). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Retrieved from
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Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2010). Migrants and Cities, not Migrants in Cities: Components of a Theory of Locality in Migration Studies. In A. Caglar & N. Glick Schiller (Eds.), Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants (pp. 60–84). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Retrieved from
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Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2010). Small Scale Cities in Globalizing Societies: Pathways of Migrant Local Incorporation and Transnational Connection. In A. Caglar & N. Glick Schiller (Eds.), Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants (pp. 190–212). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Retrieved from
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Joshi Parkin, V. (2010). Nagaland and Nagas of Manipur. In J. Dhamija (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of world dress and fashion, volume South Asia and Southeast Asia (Vol. 12, pp. 205–211). Oxford: Berg Publishers. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nowicka, M. (2010). Exkurs zum Begriff der Migration. In A. Bührmann, U. Fischer, & G. Jasper (Eds.), Migrantinnen gründen Unternehmen. Eine empirische Analyse und die Entwicklung innovativer Beratungskonzepte (pp. 33–42). München/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag. Retrieved from
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Nowicka, M. (2010). Hängen geblieben': Bildungsmigranten aus Polen und ihre Zukunftsperspektiven in Deutschland und Europa. In D. P. Institut (Ed.), Jahrbuch Polen 2010 Migration (pp. 86–99). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Retrieved from
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Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Tausch, N., Jenkins, R., Hughes, J., & Cairns, E. (2010). Identities, Groups and Communities: The Case of Northern Ireland. In M. Wetherell & C. H. Mohanty (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Identities (pp. 455–475). London: Sage. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schönwälder, K. (2010). Germany: Integration policy and pluralism in a self-conscious country of immigration. In S. Vertovec & S. Wessendorf (Eds.), The Multicultural Backlash: European Discourses, Policies and Practices (pp. 152–169). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Schönwälder, K. (2010). Beyond the Race Relations Model: Old Patterns and New Trends in Britain. In M. Bommes & D. Thränhardt (Eds.), National Paradigms of Migration Research (pp. 109–125). Göttingen: V&R. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2010). Nationalism and Christianity. In D. Patte (Ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (pp. 855–856). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2010). Religions in India and China today. In E. Ben-Rafael & Y. Sternberg (Eds.), World Religions and Multiculturalism (pp. 257–276). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
van der Veer, P. (2010). The Visible and the Invisible in South Asia. In B. Meerten ter Borg & J. W. van Henten (Eds.), Powers. Religion as a Social and Spiritual Force (pp. 103–115). New York: Fordham University Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2010). Introduction. In G. Baumann & S. Vertovec (Eds.), Conceiving Multiculturalism: From Roots to Rights (pp. 1–5). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2010). General Introduction. In S. Vertovec (Ed.), Migration, Vol. I: Theories (pp. 1–8). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2010). Cosmopolitanism. In K. Knott & S. McLoughlin (Eds.), Diasporas: Concepts, Identities, Intersections (pp. 63–69). London: Zed Books. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2010). Introduction. In S. Vertovec (Ed.), Anthropology of Migration and Multiculturalism: New Directions (pp. 1–17). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2010). Super-diversity and its implications. In S. Vertovec (Ed.), Anthropology of Migration and Multiculturalism: New Directions (Vol. 2/10, pp. 65–96). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2010). Introduction. In G. Baumann & S. Vertovec (Eds.), Conceiving Multiculturalism: From Roots to Rights (pp. 1–5). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S., & Wessendorf, S. (2010). Introduction. In S. Vertovec & S. Wessendorf (Eds.), The Multicultural Backlash: European Discourses, Policies and Practices (pp. 1–31). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Wessendorf, S. (2010). State-Imposed Translocalism and the Dream of Returning. Italian Migrants in Switzerland. In L. Baldassar & D. R. Gabaccia (Eds.), Intimacy and Italian Migration. Gender and Domestic Lives in a Mobile World (pp. 157–169). New York: Fordham University Press. Retrieved from
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Alex, G. (2009). Rituals of first menstruation in South India: a comparison. In P. Berger, R. Hardenberg, E. Kattner, & M. Prager (Eds.), The Anthropology of Values (pp. 317–331). New Delhi: Pearson-Longman. Retrieved from
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Ngo, T. (2009). The short-waved Faith: Christian Broadcastings and the Transformation of the Spiritual Landscape of the Hmong in Northern Vietnam. In K. G. F. Lim (Ed.), Mediated Piety: Technology and Religion in Contemporary Asia (pp. 139–158). Leiden: Brill Verlag. Retrieved from
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Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Hughes, J., Cairns, E., & Jenkins, R. (2009). Residential segregation and intergroup contact: Consequences for intergroup relations, social capital and social identity. In M. Wetherell (Ed.), Identities and social action (pp. 177–197). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Tausch, N., Jenkins, R., Hughes, J., & Cairns, E. Identities, Groups and Communities: The Case of Northern Ireland. In M. Wetherell & C. H. Mohanty (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Identities. Sage. Retrieved from
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Schmid, K., Tausch, N., & Hewstone, M. The Social Psychology of intergroup relations. In G. Salomon & E. Cairns (Eds.), Handbook of Peace Education. Lawrence Erlbaum. Retrieved from
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Schönwälder, K. (2009). Ethnic Monitoring: Welche Daten braucht die Forschung? In Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Ed.), DOSSIER Ethnic Monitoring - Datenerhebung über oder mit Minderheiten? (pp. 43–46). Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2009). The religious origins of democracy. In M. Gabriel & Y. Fischer (Eds.), Religion and Democracy in Contemporary Europe (pp. 75–82). Gießen: VVB Laufersweiler Verlag. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
van der Veer, P. (2009). Pain and Power. Reflections on Ascetic Agency. In H. L. Seneviratne (Ed.), The Anthropologist and the Native. Essays for Gananath Obeyesekere (pp. 201–216). Florence: Studio Editoriale Fiorentino. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2009). Global Breathing. Religious Utopias in India and China. In T. J. Csordas (Ed.), Transnational Transcendence; Essays on Religion and Globalization (pp. 263–279). Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Vertovec, S. (2009). Toward post-multiculturalism? Changing communities, conditions and contexts of diversity. In H. Casper-Hehne & I. Schweiger (Eds.), Vom Verstehen zur Verständigung (pp. 43–76). Göttingen: Universitätsverlag. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Wessendorf, S. (2009). Review of: ‘Super-diversity and its implications’ by Steven Vertovec. In S. Küchler & S. Wallman (Eds.), Diversity Management in Practice. A Cross-Cultural & Multi-Disciplinary Annotated Bibliography Addressing Policy and Well-Being (pp. 178–179). East Sussex: Sussex Academic Press. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Nieswand, B. (2008). Wege aus dem Dilemma zwischen Transnationalismusansatz und migrationssoziologischem Integrationsansatz. Charismatisches Christentum und 'simultaneous incorporation'. In A. Lauser & C. Weißköppel (Eds.), Migration und religiöse Dynamik (pp. 35–52). Bielefeld: transcript. Retrieved from
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Petermann, S. (2008). Computerunterstützte Telefoninterviews und die Personalisierung von Netzwerkabfragen [Computer assisted telephone interviews and the personalization of network questions]. In B. Martens & T. Ritter (Eds.), Eliten am Telefon. Neue Formen von Experteninterviews in der Praxis (pp. 41–53). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Retrieved from
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Petermann, S. (2008). Soziale Netzwerke und politischer Einfluss von Kommunalpolitikern [Social networks and political power of local politicians]. In W. Matiaske & G. Grözinger (Eds.), Sozialkapital - eine (un)bequeme Kategorie. Ökonomie und Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 20 (pp. 139–177). Marburg: Metropolis. Retrieved from
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schönwälder, K. (2008). „Zwei wesensverschiedene Tatbestände“: Einbürgerung und Geschlechterdifferenz. In W. de Blécourt (Ed.), Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender. Festschrift für Cornelie Usborne (pp. 242–250). Amsterdam: AMB Press. Retrieved from
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Schönwälder, K. (2008). Reformprojekt Integration. In , J. Kocka (Ed.), Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands. Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays (pp. 315–334). Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2008). An accented radio: Fostering cosmopolitanism through media in Berlin. In M. Nowicka & M. Rovisco (Eds.), Cosmopolitanism in Practice (pp. 131–144). Farnham: Ashgate. Retrieved from
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Vertovec, S. (2008). Islamophobia and Muslim recognition in Britain. In S. Koshy & R. Radhakrishnana (Eds.), Transnational South Asians: The Making of a Neo-Diaspora (pp. 97–123). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Wessendorf, S. (2008). Italian Families in Switzerland. Sites of Belonging or Golden Cages? In R. Grillo (Ed.), The Family in Question. Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in Multicultural Europe (pp. 205–224). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Retrieved from

Collected Edition (75)

Collected Edition
Amrith, M., Sakti, V. K., & Sampaio, D. (Eds.). (2023). Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Collected Edition
Rau, V., & Nicoubin, M. (Eds.). (2023). Religionsverfassungsrecht revisited: Religion, Säkularität und Gesellschaft im Wandel (Vol. 10822). Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. Retrieved from
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Ahmad, I., & Kang, J. (Eds.). (2022). The nation form in the global age: Ethnographic perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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Gidley, B., & Everett, S. S. (Eds.). (2022). Jews and Muslims in Europe. Between discourse and experience. Annual review of the sociology of religion (Vol. 13). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
Collected Edition
Meissner, F., Sigona, N., & Vertovec, S. (Eds.). (2022). The Oxford handbook of superdiversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Ahmad, I. (Ed.). (2021). Anthropology and ethnography are not equivalent: reorienting anthropology for the future. New York: Berghahn Books. Retrieved from
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Meyer, B., & van der Veer, P. (Eds.). (2021). Refugees and religion: Ethnographic studies of global trajectories. London: Bloomsbury.
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Schönwälder, K. (Ed.). (2021). Diversity in local political practice. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Seethaler-Wari, S., Chitchian, S., & Momić, M. (Eds.). (2021). Inhabiting displacement: Architecture and authorship. Basel: Birkhäuser.
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