Muath Abudalu
Curriculum Vitae
Muath Abudalu is a political scientist whose work focuses on social movements and authoritarian regimes in the Middle East. His doctoral research examined the impact of local factors on protest movement strategies and regime responses in Jordan during and after the Arab spring. In addition to his book manuscript, he is working on two related projects on the changing social-political contract between the regime in Jordan and its constituencies, and research methods and approaches in authoritarian contexts.
As a guest affiliate, Muath will focus on his book and this first project which investigates why and how the location of protest activities within the state matters to how authoritarian regimes and social movements shape their strategies and respond to one another in particular ways. Namely, why do regime actors repress the same protest movement’s activities in some locations, but not in others? What explains why a regime violently cracks down on a public demonstration in one city, but brings leaders from the same group to the bargaining table if they organize in another urban location?
Muath’s research agenda is also informed by his previous work with international organizations in the Middle East on a variety of topics such as political Islam, post-war civil society building, democratization, freedom of expression, and collective memory