Dr. Tihomir Sabchev
Curriculum Vitae
Tihomir Sabchev is a guest in 2025. He is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub. His current research focuses on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program and the settlement of sponsored refugee newcomers in Canada. In the period 2017-2021, Dr. Sabchev was member of the ‘Cities of Refuge’ team at Utrecht University, where he completed his PhD titled ‘Local authorities, human rights, and the reception and integration of forced migrants in Greece and Italy’. His work has been published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, the Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, and Territory, Politics, Governance, among others.
During his stay at the MPI-MMG, Dr. Sabchev will be
working with Dr. Michalis Moutselos and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Steven Vertovec on
the project “The NewGuards: Re-bordering the Southeast Mediterranean in an age of Migration”.