Dr. Mina Hristova
Curriculum Vitae
Mina Hristova was a scholar in residence at the institute. Mina, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Balkan Ethnology Department, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with the Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Science with a dissertation on the anthropological dimensions of borders and identity construction at the tripoint border between Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia defended in mid-2020. In 2017 she was awarded the Academician Ivan Evstratiev Geshov Award for a young scientist of BAS for her work. Her research interests include nationalism and identities, anthropology of borders, urban anthropology, memory and migrations. In 2020 - 2023 she was part of the editorial team of five collective volumes and two collective monographs on magic and mysticism; the Bulgarian migrant communities; migrations, left-behind families; built environment and cultural heritage and refugees in Bulgaria. At the end of 2021, she published the second edition of her first monograph: We are Bulgarians, but Not Quite. In-between Spaces and hybrid identities in the Balkans in the XXI Century (Sofia: Paradigma). In January 2022, the book was awarded first place in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences award for young scientists in the name of Academician Azarya Polykarov.
Monographs and Collected Editions
Maeva, M., & Hristova, M. (Hrsg.). (2022). Cultural and Social Consequences of Emigration on the Bulgarian Society. Sofia: Paradigma.
Hristova, M. (2021). Bŭlgari sme, no ne sŭvsem: Mezhdinni prostranstva i khibridni identichnosti na balkanite prez 21 vek [“We are Bulgarians, but not quite”. In-between Spaces and Hybrid Identities in the Balkans in the XXI c.] (second revised edition). Sofia: Paradigma.
Nedelcheva, T., Nakova, A., Keliyan, M., Maeva, M., Erolova, Y., Petkova, K., … Hristova, K. (2021). Refugees in the Representations of Bulgarian Citizens: Fears, Understanding, Empathy. Sofia: Publishing House of BAS „Prof. Marin Drinov“.
Hristova, M. (2020). Bălgari sme, no ne săvsem: Meždinni prostranstva i chibridni identičnosti na Balkanite prez XXI vek [“We are Bulgarians, but not quite”. In-between Spaces and Hybrid Identities in the Balkans in the XXI c.]. Sofia: Paradigma.
Journal Articles
Hristova, M. (2023). Dialogic literary gatherings in school: New approaches to education of children coming from vulnerable groups. The Refugees: Today and Tomorrow.
Hristova, M. (2023). Интерактивни процеси и практики, допринасящи за психичното здраве на непридружените деца бежанци от Афганистан [Interactive processes and practices contributing to the mental health of unaccompanied Afghan refugee children]. Бежанците: днес и утре [The Refugees: Today and Tomorrow], 13(1), 17–28.
Sordé-Martí, T., Ghani, A. A., Almobarak, B., Chiappelli, T., Flecha, A., Hristova, M., … Group Authorship, representing REFUGE-ED Consortium. (2023). The REFUGE-ED Dialogic Co-Creation Process: Working with and for REFUGE-ED children and minors. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 463. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01967-6
Hristova, M. (2020). Quest for outsmarting fate: Bulgaria and the COVID‐19 crisis. Social Anthropology, 28(2), 282–284. https://doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.12861
Hristova, M. (2019). In-between Spaces: Dual Citizenship and Placebo Identity at the Triple Border between Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria. https://doi.org/10.58002/B2SJ-8W38
Hristova, M. (2017). „Българин по професия. Българин по потекло“(записки върху идентичността) ["Bulgarian by profession. Bulgarian by descent"(notes on the identity)]. Български фолклор [Bulgarian Folklore], 1, 84–110.
Hristova, M. (2015). Сакрални места и културна памет на тройната граница (изследване в Осоговски манастир) [Sacred places and cultural memory on the triple-shared border (research in the Osogovo monastery]. Balgarska Etnologia [Bulgarian Ethnology], 1, 79–93.
Hristov, P., & Hristova, M. (2014). Sacred places and cultural memory on the triple-shared border- pilgrimage in the Osogovo monastery. Етнолог [Ethnologist], 15, 45–61.
Contributions to a Collected Edition
Krasteva, A., Koleva, C., Ninova, V., & Hristova, M. (2024). Nouvelle et ancienne altérite (minorité et migration) dans l’école bulgare: Des crises à l’innovation. In L’école face aux crises sécuritaires.
Hristova, Mina. (2023). Chapter Four: New Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Bulgaria: Lifestyle Migration, bеtween a New and an Old Home. In P. Hristov, I. Markov, V. Periklieva, & D. Pileva (Eds.), Coming to (and staying in) the poorest country in EU: Immigration to Bulgaria (pp. 85–119). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Hristova, Mina. (2023). Left-behind Perspectives on Migration from Bulgaria. In M. Maeva, M. Hristova, & M. Slavkova (Eds.), Between the World of Old and New Homes. Sofia: Paradigma.
Hristova, M. (2023). Unaccompanied Foreign Minors in Bulgaria: In the Limbo between the New and Old Homes. In M. Maeva, M. Slavkova, & M. Hristova (Eds.), Between the World of Old and New Homes. Sofia: Paradigma.
Hristova, Mina. (2022). ‘I know the Secrets of…’ – Blogging about Bulgaria among the Modern Russian Migrants. In M. Maeva, M. Hristova, M. Slavkova, & P. Stoyanova (Eds.), Between the Worlds: Migrants, Margins, and Social Environment (pp. 97–127). Sofia: Paradigma. Retrieved from https://conferenceworlds.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/text_btw-3_all.pdf
Hristova, M. (2022). Останалите: Медийни репрезентации, стереотипи и образи за българските емигранти [The left behind: Media representations, stereotypes and images of Bulgarian emigrants]. In M. Hristova & M. Maeva (Eds.), Културни и социални последици от емиграцията върху българското общество.
Hristova, M. (2021). Малцинството-жертва: Механика на менталността и травматичен наратив сред българското малцинство по източната сръбска граница [Minority as Victim: Mechanics of the Mentality and the Traumatic Narrative among the Bulgarian Minority on the Eastern Serbian Border]. In V. Voskresenski, T. Matanova, & M. Hristova (Eds.), Български общности в чужбина: Аспекти на културата, идентичността и миграцията [Bulgarian communities abroad: Aspects of the culture, identity, and migration]. Sofia: Publishing House of BAS ‘Prof. Marin Drinov’.
Hristova, M. (2021). Образи на бежанците в България: Медии и социална среда. [Images of refugees in Bulgaria: Media and social environment]. In T. Nedelcheva & A. Nakova (Eds.), Бежанците – страхове, разбиране, съпричастност [Refugees—Fears, understanding, empathy]. Sofia: Publishing House of BAS ‘Prof. Marin Drinov’.
Hristova, M. (2020). The Role of Middlemen in Acquiring Bulgarian Citizenship – Social and Identity Repercussions. In Traditional and Modern Balkan Migration destinations and patterns.
Hristova, Mina. (2019). “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”: Migration Patterns of Macedonia’s Young People. In M. Rajković Iveta, P. Kelemen, & D. Župarić-Iljić (Eds.), Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe (pp. 105–122). Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. https://doi.org/10.17234/9789531756525.6
Hristova, M. (2016). Is Macedonian Identity Challenged? Observations from Dolno Dupeni Border Region. In V. Nitsiakos, I. Manos, G. Agelopoulos, A. Angelidou, V. Dalkavoukis, & V. Kravva (Eds.), Ethnographic Research in Border Areas. Contributions to the Study of International Frontiers in Southeast Europe (pp. 85–92).
Hristova, M. (2015). Градското пространство — Конструкт на националната идентичност (по примера на ‘Скопие 2014’) [The Urban Space as a Construct of the National identity (The Macedonian case 2014)]. In B. Petkova & S. Antonov (Eds.), Терени и граници [Fields and Borders] (pp. 134–154).
Hristova, Mina. (2015). Shifting Borders, Creating New Identities—New Concepts of History. In P. Hristov, A. Kasabova, E. Troeva, & D. Demski (Eds.), Contextualizing Changes: Migrations, Shifing Borders and New Identities in Eastern Europe (pp. 561–572). Sofia: Paradigma.
Other Publications
Hristova, M., Slavkova, M., Maeva, M., & Stoyanova, P. (Eds.). (2022). Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment. Sofia: IEFSEM-BAS & Paradigma, 2021 (Vol. 3).
Hristova, M., Voskresenski, V., & Matanova, T. (Eds.). (2021). Bălgarski obštnosti v čužbina: Aspekti na kulturata, identičnostta i migracijata [Bulgarian communities abroad: aspects of culture, identity and migration] (Bălgarska, părvo izdanie). Sofija: Publishing House of BAS ‘Prof. Marin Drinov’.