Prof. Dr. Dagmar Herzog

Curriculum Vitae

Dagmar Herzog, Distinguished Professor of History at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, will be our guest in May 2024. Numerous publications on the history of religion, Holocaust studies, sexual and gender history in modernity, and the history of disability, including: Sexuality in Europe. A Twentieth-Century History (Cambridge, 2011); Die Politisierung der Lust. Sexualität in der deutschen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Siedler, 2005; Psychosozial 2021); Cold War Freud. Psychoanalyse in einem Zeitalter der Katastrophen (Cambridge 2017; Suhrkamp, 2023); and Unlearning Eugenics. Sexuality, Reproduction, and Disability in Post-Nazi Europe (Wisconsin 2018). In June 2023, she received the Sigmund Freud Culture Prize of the German Psychoanalytical Society and the German Psychoanalytical Association. Her book on the history of the treatment of people with cognitive impairments in Germany from 1870 to 2020 - Eugenische Phantasmen. Eine deutsche Geschichte - will be published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 2024. She continues to work on the intersectionality of disability and migration.

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