Dr. Mareike Riedel

Curriculum Vitae

Mareike Riedel was a guest in 2024. Mareike is a Lecturer at Macquarie Law School in Sydney. An interdisciplinary scholar of law and society, Mareike’s work bridges sociolegal approaches and cultural studies of law. Her work is particularly concerned with law and religion in multicultural societies, religious and racial discrimination, the history of secular law, as well as antisemitism, and Islamophobia. Mareike’s research has been published/is forthcoming in Journal of Law and Society, International Journal of Law in Context, Griffith Law Review, and Identities. Her book on the role of Christian antisemitism in shaping secular law is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press in June 2024. She completed a PhD in sociolegal studies at the Australian National University (ANU), is an alumna of the Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity and has held research fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and the College of Law at ANU.

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