Dr. Julia Martínez Ariño, 2013
Curriculum Vitae
Julia Martínez Ariño received a PhD in sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012) for her work on the contemporary Jewish communities of Catalonia. Since 2007, she was a researcher at ISOR (Research Into Sociology of Religion), a group directed by professor Joan Estruch with a strong focus on the governance of religious diversity in Spain (particularly in Catalonia). As a Post-doc Fellow in the Max Planck Fellow Group “Governance of Cultural Diversity – Socio-Legal Dynamics”, she was working on the analysis of the management of religious diversity in various institutional settings in Spain. She was studying the accommodation of religious needs and demands in Spanish public hospitals and prisons. Some of her working papers deal with the renegotiation of the place and role granted to religions in such institutions, as well as the specific accommodation strategies developed to incorporate religious minorities’ practices. Specifically, she focused on the management of the celebration of Ramadan in prisons and the institutional arrangements for religious care delivery in hospitals.