Curriculum Vitae

Christiane Kofri is the Publications and Social Media Manager at the Institute. She is a social scientist and began her work here in the project “Political Institutions and the Challenge of Diversity“, which was headed by Prof. Karen Schönwälder, at the MPI’s Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity. Her research focused on the political activities of migrants at the local level in Germany. She is currently responsible for the following areas of work:

Research projects


Working Papers

Schönwälder, K., & Kofri, C. (2010). Diversity in Germany’s Political Life? Immigrants in City Councils. MMG Working Paper, 10-17. Link

Schönwälder, K., & Kofri, C. (2010). Vielfältige Gesellschaft – homogene Parlamente? Einwanderer in den Räten von Nordrhein-Westfalens Großstädten. MMG Working Paper, 10-17-de. Link

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