Anna Seegers-Krückeberg, 2011-2019

Curriculum Vitae

Anna Seegers-Krueckeberg was a Doctoral Research Fellow at MPI-MMG and a PhD candidate in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Göttingen. She was working on her doctorate in the project 'GlobaldiverCities - Migration and New Diversities in Global Cities: Comparatively Conceiving, Observing and Visualizing Diversification in Urban Public Spaces' headed by Prof. Dr. Steven Vertovec. In her PhD project she focussed on the use of visual methods in diverse public spaces. Anna holds a MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology from the University of Göttingen. She has acquired teaching experience in the field of visual anthropology and works as the organizer of the Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival.

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